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Turtle, Ecuador


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This was a great walking holiday in a very scenic part of the world!  The hotel was superb providing friendly service and excellent food!  The length and challenge of the walks was just right for me and there was always time to relax at the end before heading back to the hotel.  A great group also!

Most Inspirational Moment

There were many moments just to relax and enjoy the wonderful scenery!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Albert was a great leader - always making sure everyone was relaxed and having a great time!  He kept the pace of the walks suitable for everyone and dealt with any queries that we had!

Advice for Potential Travellers

I didn't take walking poles as had never used them before but found a spare one in the hotel which I tried.  It was really useful and I'd probably use one again!  Just make sure you buy a decent make as they seem prone to breaking quite easily!  On my free day I went to visit Ravello which was well worth it!


Great mountainous scenery, lots of wild flowers, very interesting and varied walks and a good choice of hotels.

Most Inspirational Moment

Firstly, the amazing views of the Mont Blanc Massif throughout the 10 days of walking. The mountainous views were always very stunning, including a number of glaciers viewed on the trek, which were great.Secondly, when I went in the first two weeks of July, the wild flowers were incredible ! I can safely say that I have never seen so many varieties of wild flowers. This has made me a wild flower enthusiast !

Thoughts on Group Leader

Frank was a very good leader. He was very patient and friendly, and very knowledgeable about the Alps.  

Advice for Potential Travellers

I found the first two days of the walking a bit tough. This was because I had hardly done any preparation at home for the mountainous walks. I would definitely recommend doing some hill walking practice before the trip.  


This was our first trekking holiday and what a great way to start!We enjoyed every aspect from the friendly hotel and staff,inspirational leader,scenery and wonderful food and wine.

Most Inspirational Moment

Walking around the rim of Versuvius,walking in a nature reserve with the sun shining on a wall of mosses and cascading water and visiting the gardens of Villa Rufolo in Ravello with Dire Straits music as a background!(They were testing the sound equipment for a concert that evening) 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Albert made our holiday!He was enthusiastic and clearly enjoyed his job.He had excellent people skills and good local knowledge.He seemed to know everyone and everything!

Advice for Potential Travellers

We found good walking boots and walking poles essential.Remember that the weather in July can be rather hot!  


well organised. The team taking care of us was really good and wanted us to reach destination. The guides set a good pace during the hike.

Most Inspirational Moment

Visiting a school at over 4000 mtrs of altitude The glaciers near base camp The mountains: spectacular

Thoughts on Group Leader

Overall good


Glad we finally booked the TMB.  A great introduction to the Alps

Most Inspirational Moment

I have two main moments.  These may well have been different if the weather had been more favourable.   One highlight is the telepherique from Courmayeur to Aiguille du Midi on the first rest day.   The views of the glacier, Mont Blanc and the peaks were stunning and nothing like I have seen before.The second was reaching Brevent, the final ascent of the TMB.  It had rained on this our last day, but stopped for the last couple of hours of the climb, and although we didn't really get the views,  the feeling of having completed the circuit was pretty good, even a bit emotional!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our leader, Mel, was excellent.  She is very knowledgeable and a good calm leader.    Our cook/support person had to leave on day two and Carey took over, which was to our benefit.   Excellent food.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The weather overall was not as good as we had hoped and 2 pairs of shorts returned home unworn.  It is going to be cold on the cols, so be prepared with several thin layers to put on and take off.   Good raingear is essential.    The camping was very good with nice flat pitches with no rocks and good facilities.  Even the 2 so-called rough camps were fine.   Having done a few treks I was very pleased not to see the standard dark and cramped mess tent.  We were able to enjoy the light evenings with spacious areas to eat or sit and chat over a beer.


The holiday produced amazing scenery and sites almost every day.  The itinerary certainly packed in all the promised places, and others not specifically listed.  Even some of the stops to break the journey visited historic Inca ruins.  You do need to be prepared for the early starts, but in most cases the bus travel provided some opportunity to relax.

Most Inspirational Moment

Condors in the morning at Colca.  Travelling on the roof of the launch across Lake Titicaca under a clear blue sky.  Sunrise at Machu Picchu lighting up the surrounding peaks.

Thoughts on Group Leader

He was very well informed, and seemed enthusiastic about the places he described to us.  There was a problem with the microphone on the bus at times.  Although he gave out clear details for times to meet up for dinner, loading the bus next morning, and so on, this was rather a long list on some days.  It might have been better to provide a printed summary in some cases.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Try to avoid travelling through the USA - not only is the connecting experience exhausting, but the arrival in Lima is very late at night.  Those in our group who came via Amsterdam had a better arrival time.  Be aware of the early starts on several days - but we got used to them.


The holiday exeeded expectations.  Accommodation was luxurious, food mostly excellent with attention to detail which was fantastic.  The packed lunches contained enough to feed an army.  The Masai Mara was an amazing experience, the safari drives spectacular and the resort at Zanzibar absolutely lovely.  I thoroughly enjoyed this trip and would go again.

Most Inspirational Moment

The wildlife safaris where excellent and the game viewing was amazing.  I think seeing a cheetah coming to within 1 metre of our truck was the most thrilling part of the trip.

Thoughts on Group Leader


Advice for Potential Travellers

If you are travelling on a budget, then stock up on alcoholic drinks in stone town as the bar prices are quite high in the zanzibar resort.


I’ve been exceptionally lucky to experience many incredible things on my travels but no way did I expect this holiday to trump every one – and by some margin! Without doubt, a photographic safari like no other.

Most Inspirational Moment

Far too many sightings to list them all but suffice to say that they were both frequent and breathtaking. I expected long days of patient waiting with small rewards but was totally unprepared the endless stream of sightings and jaw-dropping action. Coupled with the remarkable guides and attentive hosts it was a holiday where you felt totally indulged and spoilt in equal measure.

Thoughts on Group Leader

!!!! For those unfamiliar with this unique specimin of a man I can only say that his methods may take a little getting used to but persevere and you will be rewarded with photographs you never thought possible. His unrivalled knowledge and enthusiasm for the Mara remain unsurpassed. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

As Paul often likes to remind us - it helps to know your equipment inside out before you go. There certainly isn't time to faff about with camera settings when you have a beautifully back-lit lioness strolling towards you carrying a 3 week old cub from her mouth! A woe-betide anyone found dropping bean-bags and fumbling with memory cards when you are witnessing a sun-rise river-crossing of four majestic male lions!In terms of practicalities, and to only reiterate what has already been said by others, a large lens is imperative. Although with Paul's ability to get up close and personal anything over 500mm is a waste, especially when on many an ocassion the animals decide to brush past the vehicles as closely as possible, leaving everyone scrabbling for their wider lenses. I would say the perfect kit in terms of size and weight would be a 300mm f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, a 1.4x converter and if possible a wide angle to soak up the truely majestic landscape - especially the sunsets.  


a very enjoyable trip, lots of culture with a few easy walks and plenty of time to relax.

Most Inspirational Moment

Trogir was really pleasant for the first part and the day in split. Time in Dubrovnik was excellent and the opportunity to go to Mostar was well worth it.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our leader Edo was first rate

Advice for Potential Travellers

July is very hot. Air conditioning is limited, and there is a 2.5h boat crossing where you cannot go on deck. The plane food is not very exciting. But don't let those put you off.


Due to never having been on anything like this kind of holiday before we were looking forward to it and the different experience this would offer. The holiday went beyond our expectations and we had a fantastic experience with all elements of the trip running smoothly.

Most Inspirational Moment

The best part of the trip was after 4 days of hiking at the end of the Inca Trail, going through the Sun Gate and the view of Machu Picchu beyond, surrounded by the fantastic scenery.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Juan was a wonterful tour rep/guide/medical advisor that you could have wished for, a resident of Cuzco, his insight into the history of the Incas, his knowledge of the wildlife on the trek and where to find the best places to eat in Cuzco were excellent. He helped a number of individuals get over a bit of travel tummy with some guidance of where to obtain the best remedies and ensure they continued to join the trek and enjoy the experience to the full.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Please, please, please .... can't say this enough .... Do take up some stamina and hiking training a few months before the trek commences, we both started our training in Feb and we travelled in July ! 2 of our group did very little training and it showed. Juan our guide spent considerable time with them to ensure they were ok, but it did mean the group (only 5 of us) split into the 3 who were fit and able to hike ok and those 2 that were having regular (too regular) rest breaks which split the group and led to us sometimes missing out on the interesting commentary our guide was able to give. However the excellent itierary planned by Exodus and our guide was set so even these slower individuals were able to make it back to camp every night before it went dark ... just about !