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Turtle, Ecuador


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One of the best weeks of my life! I learnt so much about the life, culture, geography and history of Morocco, as well as how to sit on a camel and not get too sore! The people were fabulous and only a week after arriving back a few of us have met up and re-lived our experiences.

Most Inspirational Moment

Sleeping under the stars...

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our leader was suberb- he knew when to give us a break or encourage us when we were tired. We learnt all about Berber life and he didn't tire of us asking questions all the time!He said that he hoped our visit to Morocco would 'change us in some way'. It certainly has.

Advice for Potential Travellers



the trip notes allegedly revised in october 2010 bore little relationship to the actual itinerary which was extensively amended by our guide-he claimed that the original plans had been drawn up before the forest fires which devastated major forested inland areas -these fires made it necessary to substantially alter several of the walks-the order in which the walks were made was also changed.these changes were annoying but not as frustrating as the complete shambles of the transport arrangements throughout our stay-we had a full quota of sixteen walkers plus guide which on any other trip of this kind would,in my experience,have qualified the group for the provision of a dedicated vehicle or at least one for which we had a priority claim-we spent the week on and off public buses and in a range of cars vans and taxis which had for the most part been "cobbled together by the very frustrated guide who seemed to have little clout when it came to the question of transport-some of the drivers were dressed as waiters and bar staff and had obviously been "borrowed" from elsewhere-the guide implied that our travel budget had been downgraded because the accomodation arrangements had cost a greater percentage of the tour cost due to the size of the group and the need to switch to hotels of a higher grade!-the whole operation seemed to be run on a shoe string and left the group frustrated that we were being moved around like so much burdensome luggage-i expected more professionalism from a company of your size and resources-you need a more "hands on" approach and need to give your local staff and representatives more support


What a wonderful week I had, the group was just brilliant, we had so many funny moments. As for the walking it was set at a good pace although some did not complete all the walks I would recommend this trip to anyone who likes walking. No climbing or scrambling involved

Most Inspirational Moment

Standing on the top of the peaks looking around at the most amazing views.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sara is just great, she was so knowledgeable and so pleasant to talk to and would do anything to help. I have done many trips and can say she has by far been the best

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book this trip you will not be disappointed. One thing that I and others missed whilst having lunch on the mountains was a cup of tea or coffee. Take a small flask with you.


I absolutely loved my walking holiday. I am an avid hiker but have never done such an extended trek before. There really is something glorious about spending days with no more pressing thought than what hiking tight/tshirt combo to throw on and whether it will be daal bhaat with gurung bread or pizza for dinner? … and to just enjoy being in the most dramatic mountain scenery amougnst cool people:Good times!

Most Inspirational Moment

The most inspirational moment of my trip was waking up at first light in ABC (Annapurna Base Camp), looking out my window and being greeted by the most totally awesome mountain views I could have hoped for. I felt that THIS is what life is ALL about.

Thoughts on Group Leader

DAWA:D:  Dashing and CharmingA: Absolute man of the people: Story Teller, Joker, Group Bonder, Game Player, LEGEND!W: WHAT A GUY!!!!!!!!A: awesome characterThank-you SO much for really making the trip for me.. what super sweet!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Do this: it is wicked!


Highlights of Morocco was a good trip to see a good portion of Morocco. We had a great group who all got along well and enjoyed eachothers company. I am happy I chose this trip and I wish it was longer.

Most Inspirational Moment

The camel ride into the Sahara sand dunes. We spent the night there and given the choice to sleep in the tents or outside, we all chose to sleep outside underneath the stars. It was so quiet and peaceful.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Mustapha was very passionate about his heritage and his country. You could tell when he spoke he enjoyed what he was doing and he was happy to live in Morocco. He answered all of our questions to the best of his ability and his recommendations for dinners and activities were always good. He was fun and joked around. A really good tour leader!!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Drink lots of bottled water and try to stay away from anything washed in tap water if you have a sensitive stomach! Take some sort of Dukoral before the trip or during the trip.


An absolutely gorgeous part of Italy, and great for the novice wine taster. The three walks were fairly easy and we had plenty of time to discover Siena, as well as Florence on our day off. Our guide, Merv, was extremely chilled and great company, and really accomodating (took me out for an extra walk one afternoon). He even took as back to Pisa a little early so we could swing by the leaning tower! Not much private time due to sharing a room, but I didn’t mind!


A very well organised and run holiday which made the most out of everyday and at times tested even the most experienced riders.  It is also a unique way of seeing Morocco as you get to ride through some very isolated but spectacular areas.

Most Inspirational Moment

there were many but the view from the gardens of the hotel overlooking the atlantic ocean was something I wont forget.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Liz was the perfect guide for the job, friendly and very proactive. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

My advice for anyone thinking of doing this trip is to train for it by doing some long distances rides.   You'll enjoy it more and there are some pretty challenging and demanding ascents.  Of course there is always the option of hitching a lift in the support vehicle but thats cheating! 


An amazing country, friendly people, excellent cycling and lots of strong mojitos.  Everybody should do this trip!   

Most Inspirational Moment

There were quite a few: Arriving at our hotel in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra after a gruelling morning cyclingGetting back on my bike after a minor collision (after being patched up by Juan Carlos)Drinking more rum than I ever have before and salsaing the night away in Trinidad/Santiago de Cuba/Camaguey....   

Thoughts on Group Leader

Juan Carlos was organised and worked really hard to make sure that we were all having a good time.  He clearly enjoyed his job and joined in with the childish banter that the rest of the group were having.   Lazaro and Jose Luis (our 2 support drivers) were also a vital part of the team, and very willing dancing partners, who didn't let the language barrier get in the way of the fun we were having.  

Advice for Potential Travellers

This is an amazing trip which is within the capabilities of an only occasional cyclist who is reasonable fit otherwise.  Remember your dancing shoes for the evenings!    


A fantastic trip. Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam have such differernt way of life from the West, I had to immerse myself in their culture from the moment I landed. This helped me get out of my usuall day to day routine in Ireland. Cycling makes it easier to notice small details of visited countries, gets you closer to people and allows to see, smell and taste the places

Most Inspirational Moment

The day when we were on the boat on Mekong delta, it was fascinating witnessing life happening on the river. Making my own spring rolls while staying in traditional house on one of islands in Mekong delta.and many more  

Thoughts on Group Leader

very friendly, very helpfull, great leader

Advice for Potential Travellers

cycling is suprisingly easy, lot of stops, even on long days, what made cycling 70-90km most days an easy trip   


This is not a trip for cissies! Early starts, long bus and train journeys, heat, dust, cold, and sometimes days without sight of a tiger (plus the dreaded Delhi belly) – this is a trip that involves hard graft. But the rewards, if you see tigers, are beyond compare. We were fortunate enough to see 11 tigers and those moments will live in my memory bank forever. Equally, we endured the disappointment of four back-to-back drives in Bandhavgarh without seeing a single stripe. You have to be prepared for both eventualities. However, one of my favourite drives in Kanha was when we saw no tigers but witnessed a whole range of wildlife including Barasingha, jackals, jungle cats, Gaur, deer, wild boar, wild dogs, monkeys and a spectacular array of birds

Most Inspirational Moment

Any time spent in the presence of a tiger was simply magical. I’ve been lucky enough to see wildlife all around the world but these magnificent animals take the prize for sheer magnetism. Unfortunately our first tiger sighting in Ranthambore was accompanied by a hideous cacophony of shouting and screeching as canters reversed into each other to try and get into the best position. I hated the whole noisy circus, but looking at the photos now, I only remember the majestic beauty of my first gorgeous tiger. Jeep game drives in Kanha and Bandhavgarh were a lot more civilised!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Harish was a great tour leader, a real ‘fixer’. The trip ran very smoothly due in no little part to the care he put in to arranging as much as he could for us; from trying to sort out our jeep routes in advance, to changing our train seating so as to keep the group together. His encyclopaedic knowledge of the flora and fauna of India kept the wildlife junkies among us fully informed. He was also good company.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Even in March/April with lunchtime temperatures nudging 40 degrees it was still freezing in the early morning, especially in Kanha, where we each wore four layers, a blanket and some even had hot water bottles! Overnight trains were either sweltering or freezing, so have the appropriate clothing to hand. Occasionally there is a cavernous gap between meals, so have a few muesli bars or similar with you: they’re also useful if you get an upset stomach and can’t face curry (you can go off curry quite quickly!). Take the longest image-stabilised lens you can, plus lens cleaning gear to combat dust (also a scarf or similar to stop your hair turning into a fright wig). My 70-300mm lens was the best option for photographing tigers from the back of elephants. Do as many optional game drives (especially in the morning) as you can and don’t miss a single elephant ‘tiger show’ as it’s the best way to get close-ups. Use manual focus or you’ll end up with lots of fuzzy tigers behind pin-sharp foliage!  Because we were a small group (7, reduced later to 6) our tips bill was proportionally higher (tips are a flat rate per vehicle and not per head, and NOT related to service!);  with the optional game drives it all adds up. Would I go again? Just try and stop me!