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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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This was my first experience of Exodus and Sri Lanka.  I was really looking forward to it but was not sure what to expect.  It exceeded all my expectations in every way.  Marvellous, my best holiday ever.  I am planning where I can go with Exodus next.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were lots of wonderful moments.  Once I had managed to relax on the elephant ride it was a fantastic experience.  The elephant orphanage was worth visiting.  The safari was very exciting.  When there was a sighting by the tracker who was accompanying our group but in a different vehicle to us our driver received a phone call and off we went at speed in our truck to find it.  We were very lucky seeing a sloth bear and a leopard but seeing the wild elephants, buffalo, macat monkeys, crocodiles and loads more was wonderful.  On our cycle ride we saw loads of beautiful kingfishers and other birds.  The cold Lion beer and a home cooked meal in the middle of the ride was delicious.  Sri Lanka is beautiful country it was wonderful seeing so much and so many beautiful views.  Oh, I forgot to mention the temples.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader Sujan was great.  He was very knowledgeable about nearly everything and what he did not know he seemed to have a book about it.  He was good company.  We all felt very safe and cared for.  All little stresses were taken away from us.  There was a kitty for Sujan to do all tipping and other sundry expenditure.  The bottled water was sorted for us.  He told us when we could change more money and where. He also encouraged us to be mindful that were a group and to be considerate of the others.  He made sure that the group went at the speed of our slowest member. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

There was a lot of packing and unpacking because of the number of hotels we stayed in, so organise your luggage if possible.  It also meant that it was difficult to get clothes washed and dried.  The hotels did offer a laundrey service but we were not always there long enough to get it done.  It was hot and humid and I would take more underwear.


Good food, good company, some excellent walks – exactly what was promised in the trip notes and more.

Most Inspirational Moment

I can't pick only one thing!  From Maria's brilliant food, to the stunning views in the El Chorro gorge, to the mass of wild flowers we saw on our walks, to the Easter Sunday parade in the next village, to the carriage ride round Seville - I loved every minute of it. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

All I can say is that Roger definitely lived up to the previous reviews about him on the website - and more.  Pretty much anything that our group needed during the week Roger was able to produce out of his daysack or his "office".  This included wet weather gear for those who had come without, a spare rucksack, a walking pole, and a shorter self-guided walk for a couple of us who opted out of one of the more strenuous daywalks.  On our first daywalk we were a little surprised to see the Cortijo dogs suddenly appear at our first water break (although they had been locked in when we left, they had managed to track which way we'd gone and catch us up).  But yet again Roger was ready for the dogs' Great Escape, calling the Cortijo to say the dogs were safe and with us, and then making improvised leads from rope he had in his rucksack.

Advice for Potential Travellers

It's definitely worth taking walking poles - there are quite a few ascents and descents on the walks, nothing too much but I was glad to have my poles with me.  Also, it's worth thinking about what you are going to do on your last day, whilst waiting for your flight.  We all flew back at various times on the Saturday evening, but had to be out of our rooms in the Cortijo by mid morning.  It wasn't a problem for our group as between us we found various things to do - some of us went for walks, or to the village for tapas, or just chilled out at the Cortijo.  Perhaps Exodus could think of some possible options, and include in future trip notes......?


Wonderful!  Couldn’t fault anything – Mama Rosa at Baccrioti looked after us so well and made us welcome; Sara, our guide – the best!  There were 14 of us in the group – all such different characters and we all got along famously – haven’t laughed so much in ages!

Most Inspirational Moment

Walking the high ridges and reaching the peaks.  I didn't manage to do the highest peak but did the second highest!  Not bad as I am new to all this and certainly wasn't the fittest in the group or the youngest!  Such marvellous views in such an unspoilt area of Tuscany.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sara's the best!  She is a very experienced guide whose enthusiasm for nature, etc., is so evident plus her knowledge of the surrounding area is superb.  She has a lovely personality, a very caring person, and one always felt confident of her decisions, etc., be it for the capabilities of the group plus all aspects of safety during our walks as she always had our wellbeing forefront in her mind.  She had some very entertaining stories of her guiding experiences which we really enjoyed listening to, which she usually told us whilst we were relaxing on the side, or top, of a mountain during lunch breaks, etc.

Advice for Potential Travellers

You do need to be fit as there's a lot of walking up some very steep hills and ridges.  It was much tougher than I had imagined, but not beyond most fit people.  I would recommend doing some hill walking before you go.


Although not possibly as fit as I needed to be for this holiday; I thoroughly enjoyed it and had quite a feeling of achievement at the end of it!  The location was great and our guide, Sara was phenominal – she is a real asset to Exodus and its clients!  Accommodation was comfortable and the food good and wholesome and just what we needed at the end of the day.  What topped it all off was that we had a great group of people too.  I would thoroughly recommend the holiday!

Most Inspirational Moment

For me; completing the walks was inspirational since technically I was not possibly as fit as I needed to be!  The advantage to taking the walks more slowly meant I had time to absorb the scenery and appreciate the smaller details that can get missed so easily when you are walking faster.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sara herself is inspirational - she has so much knowledge of the region and yet she is truly absorbed too by the tiny details of nature - she is also a fantastic photographer!  I appreciated the fact that she motivated the slower people in the group to keep going, without ever putting pressure on us.   She is a true professional.

Advice for Potential Travellers

My only advice would be that although the walk was classed as moderate; there were challenging aspects and a good level of fitness is desirable.


A fabulous week, everything I imagined and even more. Great to be able to be to do as much or as little as you like, with knowledgable guides and fantastic food!

Most Inspirational Moment

The husky sledding for me was the absolute highlight but cross country skiing around the 'Basecamp' lake to the second lake and into a forest that was something straight out of Narnia and making it to the top off the ice-climbing tower... actually the entire week was full of inspirational moments!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Eki was great, really knowledgable and friendly. The whole team was excellent.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Basecamp do supply everything you need, although we found that our own thermals were welcome, it was so warm and the ones they provide are fleecy, ours actually helped keep us cool! We also had our own socks and gloves which I prefered but again these are provided if needed. End of March beginning of April was very sunny, so sunscreen and sunglasses are definitely needed.


For me this was an introduction to India. During the trekking partof the holiday, I saw areas of wild beauty, closely connected with a farmed rural landscape. The luxury of the house boat on the waterways of Kerala, enabled us to see traditional life without feeling intrusive.The fod was a vegetarian’s dream.

Most Inspirational Moment

Our walk through miles of lemon grass in Tamil Nadu and seeing the craggy peak of Meesapulima, through whispy clouds. We had previously climbed Meesapulima from the soft grassy Keralan side and the change in its appearance and the terrains marked the difference between the territories in a dramatic way. The Sri Meenakshi temple at  Madurai was an assault on the senses. There was loud beating music, smells of Jasmine and incense, emotive pilgrims dancing, all existing together with a museum and shops, within one of the most architecturally astonishing buildings I have seen. The  intrically worked multi-coloured towers were astonishing in themselves.  Outside in a rickshaw we thought we were being attacked until we realised we were being were showered in holy water.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader was charming and delightful.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't forget to take antiseptic wash, sun cream and mosquito deterrent. With ample use of all three, I suffered no il efects from the trip.


A fabulously relaxing holiday with some amazing experiences. A wonderful country, inspiring experiences and brilliant company. And a pretty good guide (just tune out the clichés), apparently he’s won awards…

Most Inspirational Moment

Waiting at the top of Adams Peak covered in sweat in the freezing cold for the sun to peak out behind  the clouds, thinking we were going to be disappointed and then sudddenly it appeared and the view was exposed. The most incredible view, and a moving experience watching people from every generation slowly making their way up and down in bare feet. Tiring but well worth giving up a nights sleep.  Watching the elephants at Pinnewala was incredible, it was mesmorising just watching them.Cycling at Gitale - beautiful ...and hysterical bikes!Sharing the daily experiences over an evening G&T with a great group of people.

Thoughts on Group Leader

As has been noted in previous reviews, Roshan is a legend.... clichés for every occasion! Despite this the organisation of the trip was incredible. he didn't win tour guide of the year for nothing. Everything was on time and organised, no waiting around or faff. Even when the coach broke down, a replacement turned up within an hour (and that bus experience was itself a highlight...). Instructions were clear, and information was concise and without overload. A real attention to detail which made the trip so smooth. If only he could have stopped the rain!

Advice for Potential Travellers

This is a very leisurely trip with plenty of 'down' time. The hotels are predominately of a very high standard, and with swimming pools (which you always have time to use). It was Sri Lankan new year when we were there, which meant shops were closed for a lot of the trip and alcohol wasn't served in some of the hotels... this also meant that there were festivals everywhere. Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem and would be an interesting experience, but there was all night partying going on on the nights after climbing Adams Peak and this meant very little sleep and I became a bit grouchy! Ear plugs would have been handy....If you do Adams Peak, take a windproof jacket, some base layers and some spare socks. It can be very cold at the top - and as it is a temple, you have to take your shoes off... If you are reasonably fit, do it - its worth the sleep deprievation.The flight is very long (plus hour stopover in Malé), and not the most comfortable - broken seat on the way out and no entertainment on the way back. Some of the others booked the flights separately on emirates and got a much better deal.


‘On top of the world’ describes both my feelings and my location on this trip. The trek to Everest Base Camp was awesome.

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing Everest so clearly and close up against a background of clear blue sky was incredible and the prayer flags streaming out from rocky anchorages just enhance the scene and emphasise the vastness of the mountains. Reaching both Base Camp and climbing Kala Pathar felt like real physical achievements but were surprisingly emotional experiences too and it felt a real privilege to be there.All along the trek was beautiful and ever changing scenery; small farmsteads, white stupas, the crystal clear river, blossoming trees and rhododendrons, tiny gentian flowers, barren rocky areas, woodland with dappled sunlight and weather from hot sun to a blizzard. It was a really humbling experience to see local Nepalese stoically carrying enormous heavy loads up and down the trail of anything from gas cylinders, yak dung (for fuel), food and building materials.Tengboche was a stunning location with excellent views of Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Ama Dablam and other 6000m+ peaks in every direction as well as the impressive monastery, stupa and local life all centred around a small grassy area.As Exodus really promote the idea that trips should benefit the local community it was great to see their parabolic solar cookers in daily use at so many lodges.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Lhakpa Tenzing Sherpa was an excellent leader every step of the way; from finding us so efficiently in the throngs at Kathmandu airport, to guiding us along the mountain paths to Base Camp and back and finally organising a celebratory meal at the end of the trip. He had an air of quiet confidence which made us all feel safe and his care and concern for our welfare was evident throughout and small extra touches such as carrying someone's rucksack when they felt unwell were much appreciated. The other guides; Pemba, Phurba, Nawang and Dorje (yak handler) worked well as a team led by Lhakpa and all of them were extremely helpful and friendly. After a full day walking they would all help out in the teahouse kitchen so that we  got our meals quickly and everyday they ensured a hot drink on arrival and brought us tea in bed in the mornings. Lhakpa had excellent knowledge of the history of climbing on Everest, local customs, religion and nature and seemed to know almost everyone in the Khumbu Valley. He took us to his family home to meet his father who was on the 1953 Everest Expedition; to a small monastery where we received prayer scarves, to his old school and to meet his friend Appa Sherpa, a 20 times Everest Summiteer - all these extras really added to our understanding and enjoyment of life in Nepal.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Make sure you have the correct kit as your comfort, safety and enjoyment of the trip depend on it. The kit list provided in fairly good but you also need windproof overmittens. These were not on the kit list but were essential, fortunately our guide told us this and we could buy them in Kathmandu or Namche. Warm trousers or thermals/leggings under other trousers and quality tops to use in a layering system are important - this is stated in the kit list but I feel could be emphasised more. It is possible, but not that easy to wash a few small items on trek. I hired the Exodus sleeping bag and it was very good quality and I was never cold at night.Heed the advice of the guide and sherpas as they really know what they are talking about eg walk slowly, drink enough, have a good appetite, don't stroke the yaks.Drink lots of tea! This is the Sherpa method and it works. Having 3-4 cups of tea in the morning and lots of tea in the evening in the lodge helps to keep you well hydrated. Get together with 1 or 2 other travellers and order the pots of tea between you.You do need to be fit enough to enjoy this trek. You don't necessarily need to do lots of hill walking to prepare if you are fit from other activities or sports. Many of my group, including me, were distance runners and I found this good preparation. Amazingly all the group were of very similar levels of walking ability/speed which made for a really good trek. The guides explained that this is not always the case but the numbers of Sherpa guides can allow the group to spread out a bit and still be well supported.You should take extra snacks eg cereal bars, chocolate, dried fruit as most people need these, medication such as strong headache and stomach upset pills, toilet paper, wetwipes, anti-bacterial handgel, water purification tablets, torch and book / game for evenings. A metal water bottle is useful as you can have it filled with hot water in the evening to warm your sleeping bag and then drink it the next day.


A well organised trip taking in everything that Nepal had to offer. The leader worked well with all group members taking into consideration the needs and quirks of British holiday makers.

Most Inspirational Moment

Climbing Kala Pathar and seeing Everest in all her glory, from the South Col, South Summit, Hiliary Step and the summit. I couldn't believe that I was actually fulfilling a lifetime dream. We also had the privilege of meeting our leader's father who was a high altitude porter during the 1953 expedition. I certainly shed a few tears on our arrival back to Gorakshep.

Thoughts on Group Leader

You knew the first time we met Lhakpa Tenzing Sherpa that we were in safe hands. He was a quiet and gentle man with a cute laugh. He made the trip memorable with his inside knowledge of the culture and the climbing stories of Everest since the 1953 expedition. He was understanding and very helpful when we were not feeling great due to the altitude. Lhakpa always made sure the group had their meals before he and the other guides ate. Lhakpa went out of his way to make the trip so special right up to the time we had to say goodbye at the airport. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

Altitude can strike very early, listen to your body and walk very slowly. Eating is important even when you lose your appetite and it became my most hated moment of the day. Normal paracetomols didn't get rid of headaches, we found we had to take things like Anadin extra but then ran out. The trip notes say take warm gloves, what they should have said was warm, water proof and windproof gloves such as ski gloves. We had to walk in a blizzard for 3 hours and if I hadn't bought some over gloves, I would have been in trouble. We also took dollars to change up and lost out on the exchange rate. I would take sterling and change it at the hotel as everywhere welcomed Rupees rather than dollars.


The trip was a very informative and enjoyable one. What made also  this 14 days thrip so enjoyable was an exelent guide and a very good driver plus the group( age 24years to 72) were superb.

Most Inspirational Moment

Istanbul was exiting, Cappadocia ,Efesus and all the Sites were wonderful to visit. It is fantastic to see how much has been excavated. We were in Efesus 30 years ago and it is amazing how  much has been uncovered since then.  

Thoughts on Group Leader

Arzu Tutuk was our group leader. She is a first class leader, very knowledgeable,took great care of everyone and always happy.  Mustafa Akdag, our driver did also a very good job driving us  savely these 3500km!

Advice for Potential Travellers

This is our first trip with Exodus and all the informations we got from them were good. If one reads their instructions well before taking off one will be save with them. One advice is: Always wake up every morning in a good mood knowing that that the day will be an exciting one and forget beeing grumpy about small things ect. and your day will be a wonderful one!! Have a nice trip with Exodus!!