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Turtle, Ecuador


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If a well known beer did safaris, then it wouldn’t be possible to surpass this one.  The only reason not to recommend it is that it books out so fast that if I say how good it is I may find myself unable to get on the trip again.

Most Inspirational Moment

I love Africa and its wildlife.  I've travelled there quite a bit and seen some amazing things.  However, seeing herds of wildebeest battle across the Mara river is something I will never forget.  First, you wonder, will they make it across?  How will they get out?  Then the crocodiles start moving - and the tension increases even further.  In the wildlife programmes they tend to show crocodiles winning out every time - in real life, they are known to miss - will they succeed this time?  The great thing with this trip, whilst you know you will never forget what you see, you end up with some incredible photos to record it all.  You get to spend the time out on the plains that means you have the best chance of seeing, and photographing, Africa's animals at their most interesting - a black rhino taking a morning stroll, a leopard checking a scent, a lion cub battling to climb a tree stump, a cobra eating a Thomson's gazelle - and much more. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

This trip is made by Paul.  His passion for Africa and its wildlife and photography is obvious to all and he is determined to make sure that everyone has a trip they will never forget and that they get to go home with the best photographs they could take.  His knowledge of both animal behaviour and photography makes him a brilliant leader for this trip. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you want a trip where you spend as much of your time as possible on the plains of Africa looking to see in real life some of the action you have seen on the wildlife documentaries then I would definitely recommend this holiday.  It's important to remember that wildlife is unpredictable and that therefore it's necessary to be patient - there are times when you may begin to think that every animal in the Mara has gone into hiding.  Overall, you will come away with some amazing memories.  Pack a sense of humour and remember "hakuna matata" and you will have a fabulous time. 


I’ve been exceptionally lucky to experience many incredible things on my travels but no way did I expect this holiday to trump every one – and by some margin! Without doubt, a photographic safari like no other.

Most Inspirational Moment

Far too many sightings to list them all but suffice to say that they were both frequent and breathtaking. I expected long days of patient waiting with small rewards but was totally unprepared the endless stream of sightings and jaw-dropping action. Coupled with the remarkable guides and attentive hosts it was a holiday where you felt totally indulged and spoilt in equal measure.

Thoughts on Group Leader

!!!! For those unfamiliar with this unique specimin of a man I can only say that his methods may take a little getting used to but persevere and you will be rewarded with photographs you never thought possible. His unrivalled knowledge and enthusiasm for the Mara remain unsurpassed. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

As Paul often likes to remind us - it helps to know your equipment inside out before you go. There certainly isn't time to faff about with camera settings when you have a beautifully back-lit lioness strolling towards you carrying a 3 week old cub from her mouth! A woe-betide anyone found dropping bean-bags and fumbling with memory cards when you are witnessing a sun-rise river-crossing of four majestic male lions!In terms of practicalities, and to only reiterate what has already been said by others, a large lens is imperative. Although with Paul's ability to get up close and personal anything over 500mm is a waste, especially when on many an ocassion the animals decide to brush past the vehicles as closely as possible, leaving everyone scrabbling for their wider lenses. I would say the perfect kit in terms of size and weight would be a 300mm f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, a 1.4x converter and if possible a wide angle to soak up the truely majestic landscape - especially the sunsets.  


An incredible holiday which has surpassed all other African safaris I’ve ever done

Most Inspirational Moment

An amazing experience, as Paul said 6 safaris in 6 days. I have always wanted to see a lion cub but never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see a lioness carrying a week-old cub in her mouth. Not satisfied with that, we were also lucky enough to see the River Pride on a morning when nobody else saw anything, when there were a number of adults, a couple of yearling males and 3 beautiful 3 month old cubs playing with each other. Having thought that was the highlight, we saw 4 different leopards before breakfast one day, 3 of which were from the same family on the same tree! The migration almost became secondary to the big cats but of course that was thrilling too when 80,000 wildebeest crossed the Talek river in front of our very eyes.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul was his usual energetic self, getting us up early to be in position for the magnificent sunrises and then to see the animals at the best time of the day before it got too hot. Although I haven't got a DSLR I found Paul very helpful with hints and tips, probably because I understand my camera more now. When traveling with him in his Landcruiser he always seemed to have a 6th sense about where the animals would be and what they'd do next so it  was great to be with him on the morning of the 3 leopards

Advice for Potential Travellers

Go, you'll not regret it!Make sure you drink plenty of water as it can be hot and one can easily dehydrate without actually realising it.


What can I say – this trip ticked all my boxes and more – being a returnee to both the Mara and Kicheche Mara camp (albeit in a new stunning location) I knew what to expect from one of Paul’s photographic trips but this one surpassed my expectations!

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing 3 leopards from the same family in a tree by the Talek river and more importantly - spending TIME with them - watching them and observing the interaction between them! Amazing - and I remembered to take some photos too!Have to also mention the lioness carrying a 12day old cub too - a special moment indeed - on the first afternoon no less - this set the bar high for the remainder of the trip! 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Not sure I can anything that hasn't already been said before here - Paul is in his element when in the Mara! Long days do justice to what it had to throw at us, early starts get you that amazing light and late finishes get you your well earned sundowner and sunsets to die for! The guides have that special instinct to get you in the right place at the right time! Paul and his team make it all happen!  

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take plenty of memory cards, enjoy the time spent waiting for what will happen, be prepared to put on a little extra weight from all the amazing meals that are provided - the bush breakfast is a great interlude when you get a moment to enjoy it!


Two weeks ago, we spent the best safari week ever at Kicheche Mara Camp! We have been to Kicheche several times before and we just love it there.  The camp staff are all very welcoming and friendly, the food is excellent, the tents are big with en-suite facilities, and the camp itself (in its new location) is positioned in a real beauty spot. The safari vehicles are Toyota Landcruisers which are spacious and give us great all-round visibility. All the guides are true masters of the off-road tracks and have an amazing ability to spot animals, no matter how far away.  Their knowledge and responsible attitude towards the Mara and its wildlife have given us a truly wonderful experience, one that we’ll never forget!

Most Inspirational Moment

Wow, where to start! We have been truly blessed with all the events we witnessed. Here are our highlights: We have spent a day with a cheetah mum with her 6 almost grown up cubs, we have seen thousands upon thousands of wildebeest cross the Talek river, we have encountered 3 leopards of the same family at the same time, we have witnessed lionesses carrying their tiny cubs to a new den, we have followed 4 male lions patrolling their territory and whilst doing so crossing a river, we have seen an elephant family slide down a steep river bank to cross to the other side, we've seen amazing sunsets, and if all that wasn't enough we have seen a cheetah mum carrying her tiny 2-3 day old cubs.

Thoughts on Group Leader

This is our 5th trip with Paul to the Masai Mara. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but we like him. He is a great teacher and not shy to tell you when you are 'mincing', he can tell you a filthy joke or two, and 9 times out of 10 his decisions have been the right ones. This man never stops! He has such an enormous amount of energy, and his huge enthusiasm and love for the Masai Mara and its inhabitants are extremely contagious.  

Advice for Potential Travellers

Just go with the flow and you'll love it!


If you are, or want to be, a keen photographer and are willing to put in long hours and laugh at yourself you will be rewarded with one of the best, if not THE best holiday, of your life.

Most Inspirational Moment

Hard to pick as these were in abundance on our trip ... Lion carrying her cubs, crossing a river at the same time as four male lions and the early start of migration to name a few.

Thoughts on Group Leader

I've never paid so much to be insulted so frequently! But, if you can take the rough with the smooth you will be amply rewarded with photographic opportunies that would be difficult to surpass. Paul's teaching methods are tactless, brutal and uncompromising but highly effective. His method helps you get the most out of the opportunities that arise during the week. You will learn quickly and are unlikely to make repeated mistakes, which is a bonus when you see once in a lifetime events that you will want to capture on film. Paul is a consummate story- and joke- (mostly of the explicit and un-pc variety) teller. We haven't laughed so much and no offence is intended.

Advice for Potential Travellers

As others have said, there are some long days so go prepared with plenty of layers (including a fleece or two) for cold mornings and something to cover up in the midday sun. The laundry facilities are very efficient so you can pack light. I took a sarong, which was great as an extra layer & for sun protection but it came into its own as an instant dark room to help view the LCD screen on the back of the camera and to wrap round the lens when driving in dusty conditions. Take some sweets for the long days out on safari, preferably without wrappers e.g. wine gums, as the wildlife quite rightly takes priority over having breakfast or lunch at set times out in the bush. Kitcheche Mara camp was fantastic. The food was delicious and plentiful. Service was excellent and the tent was luxurious with great views. It goes without saying the guides were great and very knowledgable.


As a virgin safari traveller and photographic ‘techno-peasant’ I was blown away by the amazing sights of the week. Beats a day out in Barry Island any day! It was a pleasure and an honour to meet all involved; fellow travellers, Masai guides and camp staff, Bruce , Donna and Paul. I cannot fault the dedicated care and attention we had from all staff involved. It was so magical I can barely believe it actually happened. I feel that I have left a substantial part of myself in Kenya:

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing a family of leopards including a cub feeding on a freshly caught Topi in a low lying tree with hopeful Hyenas inches below.

Thoughts on Group Leader

A unique specimen! He surely needs intensive therapy but I am in awe of the man. His enthusiasm is palpable to the degree where on occasions I thought he might spontaneously explode! He clearly wants to get the best shots for his guests and will attempt to overcome any odds to get results. He has a striking committment to the local community and behaves responsibly to the wildlife which sets an example to others.  A great raconteur, as well as a fantastic photogapher, who made the holiday.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Bring a thick skin, camoflague camera gear (as good as you can get), plenty of enthusiasm and some good dirty jokes.


Trip in June 2011. Well exceeded my expectations and worth every hour of overtime done to pay for it.

Most Inspirational Moment

There are so many.......family of 7 cheetahs, family of 4 leopards, lioness carrying cubs, cheetah carrying cubs,early wildebeest crossing the Talek, breakfast with the hippos and sundowners under the stars. Kicheche Mara camp was exceptional,Bruce, Donna and the boys were fantastic hosts.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Has to be experienced to be believed.Psychotic enthusiasm. Shouts a lot but only because he wants you to do well and get the most out of the trip. Detailed knowledge of the Mara and animal behaviour makes for the best possible opportunities for photographs. Encyclopaedic knowledge of foul jokes.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't go if you can't get up in the morning or want to whinge about travel arrangements in a 3rd world country. Take a hat and suncream for long days outside. If you couldn't cope with being called all the names under the sun when Paul gets excited about something then don't bother going. It is meant well and if you can't see this then forget it. Beg steal or borrow all the camera gear you can.I recommend lensesforhire.co.uk if you wish to try a big lens but don't have the funds to buy one. I got a canon 300mm 2.8 with a 1.4 converter as i am a bit puny for a 500mm and was very happy with it. I also took my own 70-300mm zoom and a wide angle with polariser. I borrowed another camera body to avoid faffing with lens changes and it was worth it. Tripods NOT needed. Beanbags supplied. Lots of chewy sweeties help to bribe the big man.


Another great photographic safari.  This was supposedly the "low" season – there is no low season in the Mara.  The sightings, photographic opportunities and general experience are as good as the peak season. Everyone involved as always puts everything into making the trip a success.  If you haven’t been on one of these trips you are missing out.

Most Inspirational Moment

At this time of year (June) the scenery is fantastic with long golden grasslands combined with fresh green short grass.  On this trip we saw an abundance of Leopards and seeing 3 together in the same tree was amazing.  However probably the most awe inspiring was the storm clouds that amassed on our last evening.  They were like something from an apocalyptic movie with black storm clouds on one side and clear skies on the other (and we avoided most of the massive downpour that followed).

Thoughts on Group Leader

As always inspirational,  demanding and does everything to make the trip and your photography a success

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book it asap


Absolutely great trip!!  A wonderful safari and so much more – learning what it means to take photographs not just pictures.  Thanks to Paul.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul was a great - sharing his passion for the Mara and photography!