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Turtle, Ecuador


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Wow! This is a fast pace, full on, amazing trip! Loved every minute of it!

Most Inspirational Moment

The Inca Trail is tough but totally worth every step! The first sight of Macchu Picchu as you step though the Sun Gate is very special. The homestay at Amantani Island - staying with Flora - was very special. The flight into the Amazon basin - via Cusco - to see the snow-capped mountains suddenly replaced by flat, dense green jungle and brown tributaries of the Amazon. Try and get a window seat - and take lots of photos! Wandering through local markets - and small towns - like Urubamba - watching locals go about their business.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Rene is a very experienced group leader who is very passionate about his country. He knows every step of the Inca Trail. His organisational skills ensured we were alway in the right place at the right time - without us ever feeling rushed or hurried. Rene made sure we enjoyed every step of the trail - even on the second day - going over Dead Woman's Pass. Slowly, slowly! Rene's knowledge is very good. He has a very calm, friendly nature. Anyone doing this trip will be very lucky to have Rene.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take walking poles!! These are a must both in the Amazon and the Inca Trail. There are lots of steps on the Inca Trail and poles make going up and going down much easier! Pack light. Washing can be done in Cusco - organised by Rene. Drink loads of fluids - water is freely available on the trek - so drink lots to help avoid altitude sickness. Take US dollars and change into soles as required.


An incredible experience that will stay with me forever. Much more than just a holiday, Exodus found somethgin to make each day better than the previous one.

Most Inspirational Moment

Meeting and talking with the local Amazon guide Raphael who had real life experience of living in the Amazon.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Juan had an extensive knowledge of the country, it's history and culture. He had a tendancy to be over assertive but relaxed after a week and started to allow us to enjoy the break.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Check that Ant-Malarials are actually necessary. I was advised by Exodus to take them but the local staff in the Amaxon advised against it as Peru is a Malaria free region and Malarone can  affect altitidue sickness.


The best trip we have ever been on!  Particularly well led by our local guide who was both well informed and good at his job, but also managed to have the human touch as well.

Most Inspirational Moment

1.  Giant sloth appearing above us in the jungle on the night-time animal hunt.2.  The clouds parting above Macchu Picchu 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Juan was outstanding.  He was well informed in all aspects of history, geography, wildlife etc but also fulfilled his role as group leader admirably, inspiring confidence as well as interest.

Advice for Potential Travellers

When it says camping, it means high quality tented accommodation.  Equipment portering, tea in the morning and superb meals is  not what I normally understand by 'camping'......And don't be put off by the apparent length or altitude of the walk.  The guides will lead you through it whatever your ability!


Absolutely fantastic trip, I enjoyed every moment of it. From the first minute to the last minute their was something to do, something to see, the whole trip was full of suprises and surpassed all my expectations. Peru is a exceptional place, Exodus do such a grand job, I came back from my holiday a different person, a better person. 

Most Inspirational Moment

The most insperational moment of the trip was the actual Inca Trail the whole walk was fantastic and was just ore inspiring. We has some amaizing views and the trail was great fun to walk along, around every corner and up every hill their was something different to see and do. The best part of the whole trip was after 4 days of walking, walking up the last few steep steps of the Sun Gate and seeing the classic Macchu Picchu veiw in the distance was brilliant. The whole group were speachless, and was good to have the whole group to make it to this point. I had carried a couple beers with me for 3 days (i bought some at the last place available) were quite heavy to carry, but was well worth it when I got to the Sun Gate I cracked one open and all the groip and myself had a swig, and all the other groups cheered and clap and thought what a good idea. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

What can I say, Fabrizzio was amazing. He did a fantastic job, nothing was every to much trouble. he was with us the whole trip, was a fountain of knowledge and always made sure we were ok and that we were safe.I could not of asked for anyone better. Also All the staff and leaders from all over the trip were brilliant. I especially thank the cooks from the Inca Trail who mustered up some fantastic 3 course meals. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

I learnt a fair bit from this trip, as it was my first big trip. Dont take to much, I did and didnt use it all. Make sure you take a very good 3-4 season sleeping back and liner (preferbly silk) It can get cold at night in the mountains. Walking boots for the trail, walkcing shoes for the excursions, I took sandals for the evening, but during the day it did get too sunny to wear them and some people burnt themselves..  A wide rimmed hat is essential, and a strong sunscreen (25+). Pack pleanty of imodium and dyralite nothing worse than getting a dodgy tummy, and if you can take some mint tea bags as they help settle the stomach greatly. Drink pleanty of water and gatorade whilst their, its very important to stay hydrated. I got sunstoke one afternoon and it was horrible. 


This was my second holiday with Exodus and something I had been considering for some time and never booked it, I am so glad I did as it was an excellent trip. Everything was very well organised for us throughout the whole trip, which meant we did not have to worry about anything. You get a full and divers perspective of Peru all of which was extremely enjoyable. The group I was with was really good and we all got on well, the Jungle was an unforgettable experience and the scenery on the moonstone trek was just amazing. I can highly recommend doing the Moonstone trek as an alternative to the standard Inca trail.

Most Inspirational Moment

It would be difficult to pick just the one moment! The Amazon rainforest was a great experience and I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the jungle on the nature walks seeing all of the different animals and creatures that live there.  Reaching the top of the Accoccosa Pass on the Moonstone trek was amazing and well worth the effort. The views when on the tops of the mountains were incredible and we did not see a single tourist for the whole trek J

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our guide Fabrico was really good, well organized and made all of our arrangements for us sorting everything out making our two weeks trouble free. He also looked after us well, and made sure we remembered to drink plenty of water and to put sunscreen/ insect repellent on. The local guides should also get praise. Emerson and Hugo in the rainforest were great and spotted all sorts of insects and animals we would have walked right passed. Even a 6m anaconda when we were canoeing on the lake.

Advice for Potential Travellers

I can highly recommend doing the moonstone trek as an alternative to the Inca Trail; there are no real restriction of your luggage weight as it is carried by horses. The views when on the top of the mountains are amazing and we did not see a single tourist for the whole trek. Prior to getting to Macho Picchu you can book the Wayna Picchu mountain trail. The Climb is a bit of a hard slog but well worth the views at the top looking out over Machu Picchu (assuming the weather is good). It takes about 2 – 2 ½ hours to do the full loop including the Great Cave. Machu Pichu - best to opt for the hotel rather than camping, as this would have been less rushed. It was a bit hectic getting to the hot springs and then only having a hour to enjoy them before having to get back to the campsite for the evening meal. It would have been less of a rush to have booked a hotel in town allowing you to enjoy the hot springs followed by a meal in a local restaurant. ·         Good waterproofs are a must especially on the trek; mine were good and meant I was dry when we reached our tents in the evening.·         Some Euros would be handy for snacks if you are travelling via Europe (Madrid) ·         When you arrive in Lima change quite alot of dollars into soles straight away and get small notes (they give you 20s and 50s you need much smaller than that). The trip notes suggest you can use dollars (and you can) the exchange rate is not very good and we it was easier to use soles. ·         Don’t forget the Deet 50 or 100 a must for the jungle, sun screen and walking poles for the trek. ·         Pack as light as you can and be organised, work out what you need for the jungle and trek. It will make repacking your bags much easier as you are limited to what you can take.


Fantastic holiday, this was the first Exodus holiday that I’ve been on and I’ll certainly be booking another.  The group I was with were really good, the trip into the Jungle was an unforgetable experience and the scenery on the Inca trail was amazing (the people from the group I’ve spoken to back here have all commented they wish they were back out there)!  The trip was also really well organised, we didn’t have to worry about sorting anything out.

Most Inspirational Moment

I have two really, one was climbing the steps and walking through the Sungate & seeing Machu Picchu, the other was seeing the sunset on the 3rd night camping - that campsite is at about 3700m right at the clould level, watching the clouds drift in and out revealling some amazing scenery.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our guide Fabrizzio was really good, well organized, looked after us and knew his stuff.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Wear some of your walking kit on the plane (I will for my next trip) and possibly with a change of underwear in your carry on luggage.  It didn't happen to me but a few of the folks in my group had their luggage go missing on the way to Peru, Exodus were very good at arranging for it to catch up but they were still without it for a day or two. Don't forget to take some euros to buy snacks if your going via a European airport (I forgot)!


Booked this trip in February and was so excited to go and it surpassed all of my expectations- so well organised, fantastic group and loads of amazing experiences well done exodus!

Most Inspirational Moment

It was the first real trek I had every done and getting to the top of dead womans pass on day 2 of the trek was a fantastic feeling. Arriving at the sun gate and waiting for rest of group to arrive and have our group photo was a special moment and one of the guys had carried a can of beer since the start of the trek which we all shared to celebrate seeing Machu Picchu for the first time!

Thoughts on Group Leader

What can I say to do him justice as Fabrizzio was AMAZING such a star leader. Nothing was too much trouble, he had such a laid back style but was so informative and always made you feel that everything was taken care of which is just what you need on a trip like this. He was so friendly and would want him as my leader on every trip if possible!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book this trip! It's full on and you are always on the go but it's all worthwhile. The rainforest is fab def take a head torch! For the trek, a walking pole really helped me but I just bought mine in Cuzco for 40 soles (£10) and also a poncho in case it rains 20 soles (£5). When you go to lake titicaca they recommend you to buy a present at the port just before you go to your local family but I wish I had taken a present from home like others had such as luxury soaps,candles, games for the kids. My trip was recommended for solo travelers and I was lucky enough to be given single occupancy due to numbers in the group and this is something I would pay for next time as it's nice to have some time on your own at the end of a hard days trekking! Fab trip with fantastic memories and can't wait to get my next one booked!


This holiday certainly gives you a full and varied insight into Peru and I enjoyed all the different aspects of it.  I’m glad I walked the Classic Inca Trail, but it’s certainly not an easy option!

Most Inspirational Moment

Walking the Classic Inca Trail and arriving at Machu Picchu through the Sun Gate.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Group leader was good.  It was a big group and he obviously assessed our individual capabilities and kept an eye on us.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Not a trip for the faint hearted, but well worth the effort. 


Well what can i say about the Amazon and the Inca trail; what an experiance, the sites are amazing.  The inca trail was extra special and the ruins were fabulous; just to be there and walk among the sites was quite somthing, a must do trip of a life time.  However i will say i suffer from the clasic tummy bug and had to take antibiotics; but the worst bit was the fact that 7 out of the 13 of us suffered from some illness on the third day of the trail.  What was the cause we can only speculate but we had the evening meal and with 3 hours all 7 of us that suffered were vomiting and having a really bad case of the runs!!!  i’ve never in my 42 years suffered quite like that.  we all then suffered for the next week recovering but could still enjoy the trip, if not as much as we might of had, had we not got ill.  Still a must do.

Most Inspirational Moment

the moment you get up the final steps to the sun gate at Macho Piccho was quite sureal, we've been walking for four days and all in need of a good shower and we bump straight into the average tourist on a day trip to the sites.  We had just experianced something those tourist would never know about, the trial itself as i say amazing.  the views when on top of the mountains were incredable, so don't miss out take the trip and and do the trail!!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader, Carlos, was a great guide and made all our arrangements for us sorting everything out making our life over the two weeks very easy.  I will say that i think even Carlos suffered from the pace of the trip as it's non stop for the whole two weeks and even he got a little ratty at times.  That said he was still a very good guide and worth every penny of the tip at the end.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Prior to getting to Macho Piccho you can book the Wayna Piccho mountain trail (the entrance is in Macho Piccho) and it takes about 2hours; but the sites are unbelievable and the infrastructure the incas put in place on that mountain was quite amazing and adds to the whole experiance.The only other thing i can say is be carefull what you eat if you have a delicate belly like me!!


The trip is slit into 3 parts and each is different. The jungle experience is fantastic and, although the inca trail is not easy, it is a great experience and the scenery is amazing. Exodus are one of the few companies that take four full days to complete the Inca Trail – this means that you leave the campsites a little latter, so do not meet many other trekkers on route, which is nice. It also means that you can take more time to see the scenery and for us, very few of the group got any altitude sickness. Although this means that you do not get to the Sun Gate at sunrise, you do get up early on day 5 and so still see the sunrise over Machu Picchu.

Most Inspirational Moment

Reaching the top of Dead Woman's Pass on day 2 of the inca trail was an achievement, both for me and for the group. It is not easy, but it is worth the personal challenge. Take it slowly!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Rene was excellent, very knowledgeable about Peru and particularly Cusco and Machu Picchu. He is a highly experienced trekker and was able to set the right pace for everyone, resulting in very few people getting any signs of altitude sickness. I would happily go on another trip led by Rene.Throughout the trip, we also had local guides - Wilson on the trek, Elle on Lake Titicaca and Richardo & Elvis in the Jungle - all were excellent. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

Drink lots of water to prevent altitude sickness. Take a pair of flipflops (with socks as it's cold) to change out of your boots in the evenings of the Inca Trail, and also a walking pole is essential as there are a lot of steps and it's hard on the knees. Also, take a spare camera battery for the trek - you don't want to run out of power at Machu Picchu. 7 Kg luggage for the Inca Trail is not a lot, so think light when you're planning the trip. Take some high factor suncream as you burn quickly at altitude. Try the Cocoa toffees and of course the Pisco Sours! Be prepared for a lot of early starts and a lot of bag re-packing!