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Turtle, Ecuador


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Costa Rica was always one of my dream destinations and I have to say it far exceeded my expectations – some truly wonderful memories and experiences to take away with me.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were so many highlights on this trip, my top would have to be listening to the howler monkeys in Tortuguero, being surrounded by a troop of white-nosed coatis on my walk down from Arenal volcano and the very spiritual feel of listening to the jungle all around you whilst relaxing or swimming at Esquinas Lodge - truly magical, you really feel in touch with nature.  The other impressive thing is that Costa Rica is so environmentally aware - I feel we could learn a lot from their practices.  We also had a wonderful group, being a single I wondered whether it would be a case of couples and singles - but there was no such issue - we all gelled together and got on really well - sharing a lot of laughs & experiences along the way.

Thoughts on Group Leader

From reading previous feedback on this trip I had already heard of both Victor (our leader) and Luis (our driver) so when I found out we had both, even though they had never worked together before, it was like getting the dream team.  Victor is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic and took great care of us for the entire trip, nothing was too much trouble and he never got fed up of answering our many questions.  Both he and Luis were excellent wildlife spotters and we would have missed many things without them.  Having a good guide plays a big part in the success of the trip and we couldn't have got better than Victor.  He was an absolute star in my opinion.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't pack too much - travel light, the majority of the lodges you stay at have very reasonably priced laundry services - so it makes sense to make use of them.  I travelled in March and was perfectly comfortable in shorts for most of the trip - you do need a long pair of trousers and long-sleeved shirt for the walks in the jungle though - and a decent pair of socks to go with the borrowed welly boots, particularly as some of them don't fit so well. 


The hardest thing, both mentally and physically that I have ever done, but definitely the best trip ever! Organisation, food and accommodation (including the tent!) were perfect. 

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing how hard the porters and guides worked and always with a smile on their faces - totally humbling. Getting to Uhuru Peak with the sun blazing down and looking around to see that our whole group had made it .. and seeing how genuinely pleased our 5 guides were that we had.A close second was getting to the top of Baranca Wall - I suffer with vertigo, but got to the top with the fantastic support of Val, David and Carrie and of course our wonderful guides.The tipping ceremony - seeing how humble the porters were when they received the spare equipment which had been donated. I noticed the porter who had my woolly hat didn't take it off even in the blistering heat - I felt humbled that we had so much and they had so little

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader was Makeke - Not having been on a trekking holiday before, he filled me with confidence and made me feel safe. He watched over our group like a mother hen - he didn't miss anything. He made sure that everything ran like clockwork, tents set up, good hydrating and nutritious food promptly on the table, briefings on time, hot water by your tent door etc etc. He had a great sense of humour and a natural intuition for picking up when someone wasn't well, tired or struggling mentally - in a nutshell, he exceeded all my expectations - he was brilliant :-)

Advice for Potential Travellers

Sun hat and factor 50 cream (especially on your hands and neck) is an absolute must in February - sun is so strong. Lots and lots of baby wipes girls - keep in your rucksack as well as your toilet bag - very dusty on parts of the trek.Drink, drink, drink ... from the moment you get up (try and drink 1 - 1 1/2 litres before you set off in the morning) to the moment you go to bed to keep away altitude sickness. Don't worry about constantly needing the loo - it's not a problem!


An amazing diversity of scenery and experiences. 8000 metre peaks, village life in the mountains, lovely people and a chance to chill in Pokhara and experience crazy Kathmandu as well.

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing how the local people live and feeling humbled by their resilience.Being in the Sanctuary - truly the Land of the Gods - and looking up at 8000 metre peaks (and thinking 'thank goodness we're not going up there'!).Seeing how the local community had taken it upon themselves to manage the area, keeping it clean and free of litter - an excellent example of community led tourism.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Ugs was a character and kept us very entertained; also caring, knowledgable and passionate about the area. The other guides and porters were also excellent.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be positive! Listen to your body. Don't eat yak curry.If you haven't been on a trip like this on your own before (I hadn't), don't worry - there will be others on their own and it is amazing how quickly you all become a 'team'.

None Stop Action like a Die Hard movie

A very nice tour that sometimes might seem too much for certain people. There is a lot crammed in so an extra two days would have been perfect. A few things here and there could be improved on but overall it was a fantastic holiday.

Most Inspirational Moment

It would have to be the drive through the mountains on our way to Danang/Hue/Hoi An as well as Trekking in Hoa Binh. There are many others but those two stand out for me personally. I also loved cycling in Hoi An and then ending the day on the beach.. couldn't have asked for anything better.

Thoughts on Group Leader

He could improve his organisation skills a bit more but he is a very nice guy and we had a great time with him, he was sad when we left and so were we. Shared a few beers and laughs, very down to earth.

Advice for Potential Travellers

This is not an easy tour, don't be selfish and think about it before going and slowing the whole group down. We had that happen with us and it makes everyone feel frustrated especially with cycling when it is so so so hot out there. You will be up as early as 6am every day so it is not a relaxing holiday, it's on the go every day.


Costa Rica’s beauty is not only in the Rain Forest, Cloud Forest, beautiful white sandy beaches, abundant wildlife but it’s also in its people.  I’ve travelled to many regions; I live in the concrete jungle of London and was born in the beautiful New Zealand so my comparisons are many and varied.   I felt at home in this land, at peace.  If you’re an adventurous type, keen photographer, love to hike, explore the wonders of birds and wildlife, or sip the odd cocktail or lovely local rum with a volcano or salsa music not far away, choose Costa Rica.    

Most Inspirational Moment

Costa Rica is the type of place you can get caught up looking at it just through a camera lens... there's so much to see, do and capture but I urge anyone to stop for a moment or two along the way, pause, listen to the birds/ monkeys, feel the sun on your face, the water wash over your feet at the sea.   Stop and look up as you hike through the different areas.  Listen and watch the children at the school visit, laugh at yourself as you try to make a Tortilla!  Then you will take back more than pictures but memories of moments.  I was inspired by the whole country; it's want to improve living standards and create bright futures for its children through education, conservation and hard work by many.     

Thoughts on Group Leader

So what makes a good group leader a great group leader? I'm a Head of Human Resources so I'm often asked this question in my working environment but for a holiday is it different? Some of the common factors are; management and communication to different personalities (I felt included but was coerced when needed, I fear water but I ended up kayaking!!), organisation (you don't want to miss a thing in Costa Rica), safety (we did have a Tsunami happen while we were away!) BUT.... what more do we want as consumers?  How about this list;  ·    Extremely knowledgeable – our leader knew and lived Costa Rica, being a local guide he added his personal experiences along the way, his bird and general wildlife and plant life knowledge was very impressive   ·    Patient – with different age ranges, strong personalities, no doubt repetitive and certainly endless questions he coped always in appropriate and calm manner   ·    Passion – he cared that we all experienced Costa Rica, he cared that we saw but also felt the essence of Costa Rica    ·     Hard Work – How about the non glamorous heavy lifting of our luggage, changing a tyre on a busy roadside with the other key man “our bus driver” and a jack that didn’t want to make life easy....     ·    Excellent English – I was very impressed and embarrassed I hadn’t brushed up on my Spanish.  I would have loved to been able to communicate more with the local people  Diego Vazquez, our guide, made a difference, not just good but a great guide!!! Thank you.

Advice for Potential Travellers

 A couple of things:   1.  Do take some warm clothing for the mountains; it really does get cold...    2.  Do all the hikes you can, they really are wonderful, I have a weak knee and a knee brace was helpful but a couple of poles for the downwards would have helped    3.     Experience all that you can, even if you're scared... I did the Zip Line and Tarzan swing... but I am an adventurous type...   4.     Take a good camera and a quick to use small compact one, sometimes when hiking you have to ask yourself which is better?  5.  Have a laugh; get to know your fellow travellers, even if its 3 or 4 am at Heathrow airport!   6.  Learn some basic Spanish, you’ll feel a lot better and its appreciated


An absolutely amazing trip!  It had been a long time coming as I booked it 18 months previously, but it did not disappoint.

Most Inspirational Moment

There was so much that was fantastic....the sheer beauty and enormousness (don’t know if that is a real word) of it all, unspoilt by humans, but the most inspiring moment was watching an iceberg calve, and then because its’ centre of gravity had changed, virtually turn over.......and I think I was the only one sitting there watching it!   And yes, Paul, I do have photographic evidence!!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Kirsten was professional, and made the best of the weather conditions.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Travelling to Ushuaia is very long and tedious, especially if you are on the early flight from Gatwick to Madrid (8 hour wait at Madrid), and even if you have been checked straight through to Ushuaia, you need to collect your baggage, even if you have the domestic flight from the international terminal (very confusing....nearly left my luggage at BA airport). 3 days travelling on board without setting foot on land, can seem a long time, but there are presentations given by various members of the expedition staff that give you an insight to the Antarctic region, its wildlife, and history. You can also go on deck if weather permits, or up to the bridge viewing platforms to pass the time of day and take pictures of the birdlife, or icebergs on your journey south.Once you make your first zodiac trip though, everything previously is forgotten, and take Paul’s advice....don’t have your viewfinder surgically implanted to your eye, make sure you take stock of where you are, and enjoy every moment of it.We were lucky with the weather, and only missed 1 landing, but be prepared that if the weather is bad, you will not be able to go ashore or do the zodiac cruises, and be prepared for some ‘iffy’ moments on the zodiacs if the sea is a bit rough.  It was my first time on zodiacs, and now feels that I could cope with anything. It didn’t happen to me, but remember the Aerolineas  Argentinas weight restrictions for hand-luggage; 5kg.  If you can put your camera equipment in a backpack and have it on your back, they don’t seem to mind.  Also, leave room in your case/bag for the Quark Parka.  I wore the inner fleece for flying and packed the outer shell, but still fairly cumbersome.


A fantastic trip, very well organised and well catered for.  Guides and porters were brilliant and made sure we were all looked after

Most Inspirational Moment

All of our group getting to the top of the mountain.  Also how fast the porters (carrying heavy loads and often wearing trainers) raced ahead of everyone and had camp set up before we arrived

Thoughts on Group Leader

Brilliant - he (Florence) made everyone very comfortable, ensured we all ate enough, gave us medication/ advice when we suffered from altitude sickness and kept everyone motivated.  He gave us all the information we needed for each day and, along with his team, Florence made this a very memorable trip.  We wouldn't have made it without him! 

Advice for Potential Travellers

Research the route you want to do - we did the Lemosho route which is one of the longest and most scenic.  I'd definitely recommend thsi route - it also gives you the best chance to acclimatise and reach the summit.  Oh, and take Diamox with you!  We didn't take any with us but thankfully our guide had lots!


Without doubt the holiday of a lifetime, for both me and my wife.  The scenery was stunning, the trek leader organised everything really well, the food and accommodation were better than we expected (albeit still fairly basic), and we made it all the way to Base Camp.  The group of people we trekked with were also superb and helped make it a more memorable experience.

Most Inspirational Moment

Either getting to Base Camp in clear conditions and enjoying a great view of the area; or being taken by surprise by the stunning scenery at Tengboche, with the amazing and unexpected views of Everest, Lhotse and Ama Dablam.  The flight into Lukla from Katahmandu was inspiring, giving great views of the full expanse of the eastern Himalayas.We were unable to get to the top of Kala Pattar due to the strong winds that day, but the view of the Everest summit from halfway up was still spectacular.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Lhakpa Tensing was an excellent trek leader.  Our group was of mixed ages and abilities, but he ensured that there was a reasonable pace set throughout, both on the ascent and descent.  One older member of our group went downhill a little slower than the rest of us and Lhakpa ensured that either he or Ratna (assistant guide) stayed with this chap on his way down.  Lhakpa also pulled out all the stops to get us back to Kathmandu in time for our flights home, when we experienced 2 days of weather enforced delays in Lukla at the end of the trek.  He did brilliantly in arranging a flight out when the backlog of stranded trekkers was piling up, and other trekkers (either in other groups or independent) were paying for expensive helicopter flights!He also brought us to meet his dad at Namche Bazar - the last surviving sherpa from the 1953 Hillary expedition.

Advice for Potential Travellers

We managed to avoid stomach bugs and altitude sickness through the trek, but would still recommend taking the pre-pro-biotics with you, diarrhoea pills, diamox and anything else that gives you comfort that you will be covered should anything arise.  Anti-bacterial hand gels are also of great benefit for meal times.Bring plenty of memory cards and batteries for the camera as you will take photos all day long - at least 4GB probably.A decenty sleeping bag is also essential, as it can get particularly cold higher up (below -10 at Gorak Shep).  In winter it will be cold throughout the Khumbu Valley.Good footwear (strong, waterproof) is also essential.  Boots are definitely better than shows/trainers.  I used Meindl Softline Ultra GTX and these were perfect.


To be honest, I had never previously considered a visit to Indochina, but I was outvoted. Having agreed that Vietnam was to be our next destination to visit, we did lots of research comparing the itineraries of many tour operators before finally deciding on Exodus. The trip that they offered certainly ticked all of the boxes, and appeared to be good value for money. I had only one concern, and that was food, but during this action-packed trip, my fears were unfounded, as the Vietnamese food proved to be wonderful, and I was never disappointed with any of the restaurants that were suggested by our guide – Even when dining independently from our group/guide the food was found to be excellent. Vietnam really has it all – relaxing beaches, bustling cities, beautiful countryside, and the people are just amazing, so welcoming and friendly. If this 16 day trip is typical of Exodus tours, then I’m sure we’ll be back for more.

Most Inspirational Moment

During our stay in Vietnam, each day brought something new, and we had so many varied and wonderful experiences that it's very hard to chose one thing over another. Crossing the road in Hanoi, The countryside and beach in Hoi An, or the simplicity of life in the Mekong delta, but if pressed, then I would have to say that the highlight for me was kayaking around Halong Bay. Just paddling around this beautiful bay with its limestone peaks was absolutely stunning. The visit to the War Remnants Museum was sobering, but seeing the extent of the atrocities inflicted on this nation really made their positive attitude and friendly nature even more endearing.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Upon our arrival at Hanoi airport, our guide Thang was there to greet us and was with us from morning to night, always on-hand when needed, and ensured that all of our trips and transport went like clockwork. It was rare to actually need to ask for advice or assistance, as Thang seemed to sense what we might need at any point of our trip. He was always polite and professional, but gelled very well with our group without being intrusive. His stories about Vietnamese history, culture and life enabled us to gain a good insight into this country and people. Every day he 'went the extra mile' to ensure we had a great time, and he looked after us admirably. Thang is an absolute star!

Advice for Potential Travellers

I'm sure I won't be the last person to mention this, but, with the availability of tee shirts, and contrary to other reports that I've read, underwear etc., along with the ease of arranging laundry, and the provision of towels at all hotels. PACK LIGHTLY. You might need to barter to get the prices down (the Vietnamese love this), but you'll bag yourself a bargain, help the local economy, and save yourself worrying about packing. (My 10.7Kg proved far too much!)


Costa Rica is a wonderful, safe and very ecologically friendly country. It has a wonderful range of fauna and flora and, if you love nature, this is a must-do trip for you. 

Most Inspirational Moment

The entire country and the vast biological diversity is inspirational! Over 30% of the land is devoted to wildlife reserves. Throughout the boat rides in Tortuguero and the many walks through a range of habitats we saw lots of mammals, reptiles, insects and over 100 species of birds. The trees and shrubs are also incredible, especially in the rain- and cloud-forests. Moments like seeing the quetzels in Savegre and scarlet macaws flying free by the Pacific were special; however, I have an especially soft spot for humming birds. Costa Rica has 57 species which you can see at several places. Typical of the country is stopping for coffee on the Pan American highway at 11,000 feet and finding that the cafe has sugar feeders outside the windows buzzing with humming bird activity.  

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our guide Jeff was outstanding - not only was he very efficient and good with people but he also had an incredible range of knowledge on flora, fauna, and geology. One day, for example, he would be telling us, in excellent English, about the life cycle of the banana plant and next day he would be describing how Costa Rica has been shaped by volcanic activity. He was very passionate about ecology and proud that Costa Rica is aiming to be the first carbon-neutral country in the world. Jeff was very good at arranging some very interesting additional optional outings. He was ably supported by the driver Francisco who drove very well, while at the same time somehow being an excellent animal spotter!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be prepared for a range of climates. Remember that when it says it is the dry season that is a relative term! We had periods of torrential rainfall in Tortuguero, lighter rainfall in the cloud forests, hot and humid weather on the Pacific coast, and then fairly cold weather in the mountains. Meals are not particularly cheap. To cater for optional outings, extra meals, tips and incidental costs you should budget on about 500 USD per person. ATMs are available at many of the stops.