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Turtle, Ecuador


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This is not a trip for cissies! Early starts, long bus and train journeys, heat, dust, cold, and sometimes days without sight of a tiger (plus the dreaded Delhi belly) – this is a trip that involves hard graft. But the rewards, if you see tigers, are beyond compare. We were fortunate enough to see 11 tigers and those moments will live in my memory bank forever. Equally, we endured the disappointment of four back-to-back drives in Bandhavgarh without seeing a single stripe. You have to be prepared for both eventualities. However, one of my favourite drives in Kanha was when we saw no tigers but witnessed a whole range of wildlife including Barasingha, jackals, jungle cats, Gaur, deer, wild boar, wild dogs, monkeys and a spectacular array of birds

Most Inspirational Moment

Any time spent in the presence of a tiger was simply magical. I’ve been lucky enough to see wildlife all around the world but these magnificent animals take the prize for sheer magnetism. Unfortunately our first tiger sighting in Ranthambore was accompanied by a hideous cacophony of shouting and screeching as canters reversed into each other to try and get into the best position. I hated the whole noisy circus, but looking at the photos now, I only remember the majestic beauty of my first gorgeous tiger. Jeep game drives in Kanha and Bandhavgarh were a lot more civilised!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Harish was a great tour leader, a real ‘fixer’. The trip ran very smoothly due in no little part to the care he put in to arranging as much as he could for us; from trying to sort out our jeep routes in advance, to changing our train seating so as to keep the group together. His encyclopaedic knowledge of the flora and fauna of India kept the wildlife junkies among us fully informed. He was also good company.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Even in March/April with lunchtime temperatures nudging 40 degrees it was still freezing in the early morning, especially in Kanha, where we each wore four layers, a blanket and some even had hot water bottles! Overnight trains were either sweltering or freezing, so have the appropriate clothing to hand. Occasionally there is a cavernous gap between meals, so have a few muesli bars or similar with you: they’re also useful if you get an upset stomach and can’t face curry (you can go off curry quite quickly!). Take the longest image-stabilised lens you can, plus lens cleaning gear to combat dust (also a scarf or similar to stop your hair turning into a fright wig). My 70-300mm lens was the best option for photographing tigers from the back of elephants. Do as many optional game drives (especially in the morning) as you can and don’t miss a single elephant ‘tiger show’ as it’s the best way to get close-ups. Use manual focus or you’ll end up with lots of fuzzy tigers behind pin-sharp foliage!  Because we were a small group (7, reduced later to 6) our tips bill was proportionally higher (tips are a flat rate per vehicle and not per head, and NOT related to service!);  with the optional game drives it all adds up. Would I go again? Just try and stop me!


Overall a good holiday for both myself and my daughter. Kvitavatn was a bit low for so late in the season (April) and the snow hadnt been great there this year, but the accomodation and the instructor were both great.

Most Inspirational Moment

My daughters enthusiasm for cross country, (it was her first time x-country) and how much she enjoyed herself.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent balanced instruction, Mary managed the different needs of the group brilliantly.

Advice for Potential Travellers

I am sure Kvitavatn would be brilliant earlier in the season, when the higher fjells are too cold. In a good or even usual year it would still be OK in early April, but there is a steep climb (and desecent) to the best tracks.


A very well organised, enjoyable holiday.  Friendly, helpful staff and good companions.  Far less wildlife than anticipated.  Double tents very cramped.

Most Inspirational Moment

The sunset Chobe River cruise - wonderful views and a good selection of wildlife.Very close  encounter with wild dogs - brilliant!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very helpful, a super cook and good organiser.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you are travelling as a couple, book two tents - single supplement is only 65 GBP and is well worth it for the extra space. We took but didn't need water purification tablets - bottled drinking water was available to buy.


explore an untouristed greek island, sampling great food, countryside and views.  relaxed hotel is a friendly base for the week.

Most Inspirational Moment

Springtime flowers all along the hillsides.Ancient ruins you feel you have just stumbled across - the quarried columns and the dragon houses especially. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

roger and thanos made everyone feel welcome and at ease. made sure we were all comfortable with the walks ahead and fully aware of what to expect. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

the sea is chilly in march! expect to be well fed......less choice for vegetarians.make sure you get to the naughty cake shop in Karystos. 


I expected cycling but I got much more than that. I got music, culture, dancing, history, laughter, architecture, cocktails, scenery, crocodiles, art, crocodile stew, beautiful warm weather and beautiful warm people. And at the airport I got tears in my eyes as I said goodbye to a country that had made me feel so incredibly welcome and given me fourteen of the happiest days of my life.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were so many special moments and enough inspiration to keep me going for a lifetime that I couldn’t possibly single out one of them. So here goes with just a few of the things that dreams are made of: Swimming beneath the waterfall at the hotel in the Sierra Maestra after our hardest day’s cycling. Hearing the excited squeals of delight and seeing the smiling faces of the children on the road side as we cycled past, tapping their outstretched hands and shouting ‘Hola’ to them. The electric atmosphere at the Casa de la Trova in Santiago de Cuba as one of the many live bands blasted out those classic la música Cubana tunes and my two left feet, lubricated by gallons of mojitos, attempted to salsa. The warmth and friendship that the Cuban people showed us, with the brave faces they were putting on despite the hardship that they lived in. A lesson to us all, I would say.  The taxi ride along el Malecon Habanero (Havana’s seafront) in a 1953 Cadillac on a warm night with the windows wound down, the city lights twinkling in our eyes and those exotic smells of a tropical city after dark permeating through our nostrils, as music from the Buena Vista Social Club played on the radio.Just a few of the special times but there were dozens more.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Juan Carlos Junco was an absolute star of a man.  The trip was incredibly good but exhausting yet this man did everything that the group did plus all the organisational stuff too. He managed to do this without ever showing any sign of fatigue or impatience with us despite the fact that we must have behaved more like naughty children on a school trip than the elite athletes that we professed to be.  He knew the history and culture of his country inside out, he had an answer for all our questions, he ensured that we enjoyed every moment of our trip and he brought much more humour to it than I would ever have expected.  If this man does not succeed the Castro Dynasty as the next president of Cuba then I will eat my Che Guevara revolutionary beret. I would add that our two drivers, Jose Luis Garcia Gutierrez and Lazaro Rojas Garcia, also enhanced our enjoyment of the trip. Despite their limited English vocabulary they never ceased to entertain us with their singing, dancing, huge friendly smiles and their laughter.

Advice for Potential Travellers

On the coach journey from the airport to the hotel on the first night, our group leader told us to remember that Cuba is a very small and very poor Third World country that is trying to do its best for its visitors. If we could accept that then we would enjoy our holiday. I took his advice and it meant that when things weren’t quite right (which wasn’t all that often) they weren’t quite right in beautiful Cuban style to be treasured and if everything had been perfect I’d have been disappointed.  So my advice is to do the same, to embrace and take the time to appreciate the people of Cuba and every aspect of their culture, especially their music. If you do this you won’t want to go home again.


Very much did what it said on the tin – great walks, food and hospitality in a very picturesque setting. Couldn’t imagine eating, drinking or doing as much on the Amalfi coast at anything like the price. Great value.

Most Inspirational Moment

Getting into the fenced-off section of the national park to view the untouched waterfall/scenery.  Our guide one of the very few to have a key.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Having been on a few tours now I'm always impressed with the guides but Morten was outstanding. He gets five stars. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

We were lucky to go in April, just before the tourist season gets into swing. I suspect May onwards would demand a lot more patience re queuing at sites and strolling around the towns. 


This was my second time on the Land of the Tiger trip. This time exceeded the first.  11 tigers seen, a couple of them seen on a few occasions (reliable sightings). One excellent sighting, most of the rest in the good category. 2 leopards, 1 jungle cat, 1 sloth bear and 1 wild dog also seen. You need to be aware that you will get your best views from the back of an elephant during the "tiger show".

Most Inspirational Moment

Tigers will always rank highly as an inspirational moment, but viewing my pictures of the jackal family once I got home almost brought tear to my eyes. Travlling by train is fun, there is some great food around and also fantastic bird life as well.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Harish was excellent. He specialises in wildlife trips, so knew his way around the parks as well as the local guides. He will even take the opporunity to take an optional game drive on his own! He put in a lot of effort to make sure everything ran smoothly. I can't think of a single time when something went wrong.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take as long (and fast) a lenses as possible. A second camera body is also a good idea. Camera cleaning equipment is also needed (very dusty). For this reason eye drops are also a good idea. Be aware that you may go on game drives were you don't take a single photo. There are drives were you may not see anything noteworthy. Very little WiFi available and only occasional 3G access.


Great weather – unexpectantly, but always the best way! Great group of people, stunning scenery and a home from home at Braccicorti.  Excellent guide who left us wanting for nothing. Walking very good, makes me consider coming back for the grade C trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

First night laid out on the grass at Braccicorti overlooking the small rows of vines and life across the valley, watching the sun gently slipping behind the mountains bathing the whole valley in an ethereal haze and listening to nothing but the birds and the occassional shout of Italian.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sara Bull...fantastic, well organised, friendly, approachable and seemed to fulfill every concievable job role during the trip.  Genuinely knowledgeable and without doubt one of the fittest and most remarkable people I've met.  She won Exodus best tour leader in 2009...not hard at all to see why.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The walking was really good, well paced through some beautiful environs with plenty of coffee/ice cream stops but if you prefer a little more thigh-burning enducing exercise, then consider the weeks of this trip which are C grade instead. You will spend more time higher up and the effort will reward you with some stunning vistas.


A fabulous trip that I didn’t want to end!

Most Inspirational Moment

The farmhouse accommodation was the perfect setting for the holiday which really made me relax into that holiday mood!  It was peaceful, comfortable and had great views over the valley.  The homecooked food was a great ending to each day, compliments to mamma!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sara the group leader was fab!  She really knew the area and was able to tell us all sorts of interesting information along each route.  The walks we did were just the right length for a B grade holiday and the order of the walks allowed us to see across the valley to where we would be going or had already walked.Sara was not only the group leader though.  She was our taxi driver, waitress, first aider (thankfully not often) and tour guide.  Thanks for being so great!

Advice for Potential Travellers

I'd really recommend this holiday to anyone wanting a moderate wakling holiday.  The scenary was beautiful and the food was delicious.  It was just what I needed to get away from busy life in the UK, and I admit it took a few days to get into the holiday mood, but once relaxed I didn't want to leave.  I'd certainly do this holiday again on a C grade!


My first guided holiday was an absolute success. I envisaged a cycle trip to be a great way to see a lot of a country in a short time and was not disappointed. The excellent and enthusiastic tour leader and his team ensured the logistics could be forgotten and the cycling / sightseeing enjoyed to the full. Patches of the cycling were demanding and I consider myself reasonably fit, but anyone who put some pre-training in could enjoy this trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

I spend a lot of time in the region so was not too taken aback at the culture, scenery or general hustle and bustle, but thoroughly enjoyed the experience of my first overnight train journey despite the "prison-cell" conditions of First Class and was left in awe of some of the viewpoints over the passes during the cycling stages. For me the triumph was finishing the 30km uphill climb at the end of the tour - and ignoring the group leader's sage advice on careful riding to hurtle down the other side through thick fog and kickbacks to lower altitude and some breathtaking views. Riding at its best!

Thoughts on Group Leader

His enthusiasm and versatility in changing the itinerary to ensure maximum experiences made the trip for me. He was on hand without being pushy and seemed genuinely interested in making the trip a success for everyone - while maintaining an irreverent attitude and humorous approach throughout. Even his restaurant recommendations were sound - ranging from Vietnamese to Italian and Asian BBQs - and seemed to ideally suit the mood / budgets of the goup. I would certainly view him as a major asset to the company.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't overpack - the tour leader arranged two laundry stops en route for pennies, but do consider the climate spectrum (in March at least) and pack a sweatshirt / jeans for evenings as you head further North.The Trek bikes provided were more than adequate for the cycling on this trip and unless you are a pro-wannabe doubt you would gain any additional benefit from the hassle of bringing your own machine, though a gel seat at least is a must.