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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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A photo opportunity around every corner.  Colours you’ll remember forever.  The golden sands of the Sahara, the stunning "Berber" blue, the silver moon and stars over the desert and the vibrant colours of the carpets, slippers and tagines lining the walls of the medinas and the ladies colourful floating robes.

Most Inspirational Moment

Yes, there were a few....  standing in awe at the size and oppulence of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, whizzing around the souks in Fez, Meknes and Marrakesh, sleeping outside at the Sahara Auberge in Merzouga, the sunset camel ride into the Sahara and the sunrise ride back again.  Watching the families enjoying the cool waters of Todra Gordge with those vertical golden cliffs rising high on either side. The peaceful, humble life of the Berbers living so simply and happy up in The Atlas Mountains -  enjoying "afternoon tea" with a family there.  Dodging the seagulls enjoing their free meal whilst fishermen gutted and prepared their catch at the harbour in Essaouria. Tasty Moroccon food... served in family homes and restaurants you'd never find again! ...but guess the most inspirational moment for us was tracking down a beer on arrival in Casablanca on a Sunday evening... yes it did happen and we eventually find one!! 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Mustapha - a credit to Exodus.  Caring, considerate, informative, knowledgable.  Passionate about his work and his country.  Always willing to assist where necessary.  Always jolly with a good sense of humour....and he found some rather good restaurants.

Advice for Potential Travellers

I guess by reading other reviews it's all been said before....Hygiene is the main criteria, so plenty of handgel, tissues, loo roll - although, the loos weren't that bad!.....the bus, yes be prepared for long and short uncomfortable travel.  We had a full complement on board, 16 or us, plus driver/guide.  No leg room on a majority of the seats and not much overhead storage available.  We were with a good crowd and always rotated the seating arrangements.Travel light.. but if you should have the odd fleece no longer required, please take it and donate it to the folk up at Tijhza Village, they have so little and temperatures drop like a stone in the winter months. 


I was initaily rather worried that The Inca Trail would be full of hikers and that you wouldn’t be able to see Machu Picchu because of the tourists bussed up there each day. I was totaly wrong, it was everything I hoped the trip would be!

Most Inspirational Moment

The whole trip was inspirational, but I think the openly friendly people that we met in Cusco and on the trail will stay with me the longest.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Flaminia was super! The whole group from the hotel to the porters where actualy great, but Flaminia managed to keep a very diverse group ranging in age from 21 to 60+ entertained and interactive

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take a Hip flask along. On the last night camping there is nothing like a little "Tipple" to toast and share with your comrades at the meal and congratulate yourself on a great trip. 


Great tour leader, well done Victor! Great group of people and a nice selection of varied trekking days all topped off by a wonderful hotel with enthusiastic and very helpful staff.

Most Inspirational Moment

Scrambling to the top of the twin summits of Mancondiu with its fabulous views

Thoughts on Group Leader

Victor was a top man, great athlete and an inspirational leader for a very varied group with mixed experience and personalities!

Advice for Potential Travellers

For this trip, buy a bottle of whisky in duty free on the way out, it may be Spain but drinks are still extremely expensive! Still getting over my bar bill!!!!!


Amazing!!!!! Thoroughly Recommeded! You won’t beat the spectacular scenery of Banff and Jasper National Parks. Weather, leader and group all first class.

Most Inspirational Moment

Travelling up the Icefield highway it was lakes, glaciers and mountains 360 degrees as far as the eye could see.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Brilliant, let's hope you get Renee as your leader if you go on this trip. She knew her stuff, thoroughly competent and her cooking was delicious. Plus she joined in the banter around the campfire (and half managed to understand some Yorkshire folk!)

Advice for Potential Travellers

Most of the walks are quite long so you will probably enjoy it more if you are quite fit. I have done many trekking holidays before and this was equally energetic, the walks are mostly circa 20km and involve plenty of altitude gains.


Without doubt this trip delivered everything one would expect for a great trek. Great people, group, scenery and memories.

Most Inspirational Moment

Completing each day amidst amazing scenery with beautiful weather conditions and a great group of people to do it with.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul was a leader you would trust to guide you  on any mountain. He gave you confidence and you could trust whatever the situation. His sense of humour will not be forgotton.Mark always provided a warm welcome after each days trekking. Kettle always on and was always approachable to ask for advice.

Advice for Potential Travellers

As a single person, booking a tent supplement was well worth paying extra for. Make sure you pack warm sleeping bag as nights can get chilly in September. Pack as light as possible.


Great holiday – fantastic weather, stunning scenery, excellent guide and great companions!

Most Inspirational Moment

Walking round the crater of VesuviusWalk of the Gods

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent - patient, knowledgeable and good company

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be prepared for some quite challenging walking - especially in the heat.  Nothing difficult but probably more on the moderate side rather than leisurely.


Great hotel,great location ,beautiful food. All walks really enjoyable with spectacular views. A truly memorable holiday. Would recommend to anyone. We didn’t want to leave!!!

Most Inspirational Moment

Each walk provided different moments of inspiration , from viewing Amalfi for the first time or entering Pompei and seeing the grand scale of a lost city. Walking up to Vesuvius was well worth the views and if you have the nerve , walking around the actual  crater is an experience in itself. On our free day we visted Herculaneum and Ravello, which are definitely worth seeing.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Albert our leader was very calm and a good organiser. He looked after everyone and had great knowledge of the area.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you are going when the weather is warm, take a swimming costume as you have the opportunity to swim after 3 of the walks. You do need a walking pole and be aware that there are plenty of steps on most of the walks.


Beautiful part of Italy and I doubt we’d have managed to do as much as we did in the time if we’d done this stretch of coast on our own. Lovely touches from the hotel staff- a cookery demonstration and the pizza night were brilliant. Thank you- it was a great family run hotel and brilliant friendly helpful staff. 

Most Inspirational Moment

I personally loved Walk of the Gods but also Vesuvuis. Naples was somewhat of a surprise. This was the part of the holiday I'd been least looking forward to as cities are not my thing. I'd also been lead to believe that Naples has had a bad press. Thanks to Paula our fabulous guide and her enthusiasm, Naples quickly became one of my personal highlights. Really vibrant city, amazing churches, fabulous crammed tiny streets, street markets, mad Vespa drivers and lunch in a local taverna that Paula had thoughtfully sourced herelf. Also more great coffee and lovely views of Vesuvius accross the bay. How can I also forget the food?! I was in food heaven. Fresh tomatoes, artichokes, basil, bread, pasta, cheese, wine... And Chef Giovanni's 'mealt in the mouth' Panacotta.  Everywhere you looked there was fresh produce either growing on hillsides or lying in front of you on your plate... Fabulous

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paula is enthusiastic, helpful, friendly, approachable, witty... all the attributes needed for a great guide. Im only sorry I couldnt get to know her and stay with her for longer. I'd like to think we'd all end up firm pals! She showed us Greco- Roman ruins and we would like to show her the Greco-Roman Architecture of Manchesters Trafford centre one day- the offer still stands Paula!!  Paula was also really good at giving us Italian travel advice as we extended our trip and travelled north on our own. Thanks for the Italian lesson- we got round Italy unscathed and arrived home safely! Thank you Paula, I havent got a bad word to say!

Advice for Potential Travellers

PLEASE take into account added extra expenses whilst away. The trip notes suggest 10Euros for lunches but once you've had the obligatory Italian Espresso this is more like 15. There are also one or two added extras to pay for such as slight seeing on your free day and Funicular/ bus fares/ chair lift on Capri. If travelling with a family I would imagine that this would really tot up. Also the Gellato in Amalfi is compulsory ( trust me.. it puts Mr Whippy to shame!)... all of these things really do add up. If travelling on a budget PLEASE budget for more Euros than you think you'll need. Unlike other exodus trips that I have done this really is in a touristy part of the world and I really wasnt expecting the tourist prices for a coffee. 


This was a great trip. Excellent walking, a great tour leader and fascinating country. Highly recommended.

Most Inspirational Moment

The walking was challenging but the views wonderful and it was great to return to a big meal and nice hotel each evening.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The tour leader Vladimir was excellent. He was extremely knowledgeable about his country, it's history, culture and wildlife. On the last day in Sofia he took time to show us around the city, which was an added bonus.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Providing you are fit enough for the walking this is an excellent trip for people who enjoy a challenging week but want to return to some comfort at night. Bulgaria is a wonderful place and is highly recommended.


Absolute classic just about sums it up.  In exchange for our (sometimes quite physical efforts) we were rewarded with stunning views and that "great to be alive" feeling.

Most Inspirational Moment

The weather was almost always just right for the day (not too hot when walking, perfect sunshine on the rest days.)  The only rain enabled us to stay cool on a stiff climb "three col" day.  Seeing one of the refuges in front of a glacier appear out of the mist was pretty dramatic.The most inspirational moment was funnily enough nothing to do with views.  It involved our guide Mel (Potter) squatting in the dust with a toy bulldozer and a Snickers bar describing the formation of morraines and other aspects of the surrounding scenery.  If you can picture the peanuts as erratics and the cracks from bending the chocolate bar as crevasses, you get the picture.  The clarity of thought and ease of explanation would have made any geology professor green with envy. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

On our only previous Exodus trip we were unimpressed with the group leader and so were not expecting anything special.  How wrong could we be?  Mel was amazing.  She was clearly very knowledgeable and informative (the two do not always go together!) on every aspect of the Tour from camp life through to plants, birds and wildlife.  She was friendly and amusing throughout and certainly made the trip into something special.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The books on the TMB suggest that a choice of clockwise or anticlockwise is possible.  Having seen the walks I would suggest that the Exodus starting in Chamonix and going clockwise is good, leaving the steep challenge of Brevent to the last walking day. The sense of elation having reached the Brevent top (and Mel opening the champagne) was out of this world and a worthy final stretch.Ask to get Mel on your trip!!  Pascale the chef/driver/fixer was also fantastic