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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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The most amazing trip.  The trip offers amazing safari, beautiful scenery, real variety and just an overall brilliant holiday  You see so many aspects of Africa.  Very very special and I loved every minute of it.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were many highlights for me on the trip but a few stand out to me: the vastness and beauty of the Serengeti - words can't describe how amazing it is.  I have done quite a few African safaris now but the Serengeti is the king of all the African NPs in my opinion.  Camping out in the bush as amazing - and the stars at night...simply wow!The drive from Kenya to Tanzania through the gorgeously lush and green tea plantations.  I was transfixed!Zanzibar - picture postcard beaches, amazing sunsets over the Indian Ocean.  Gorgeous place - everyone must go!all the different people you meet on the trip - from the amazing crew to the incredible African people.   

Thoughts on Group Leader

Moses was the best tour leader I have ever met on a trip like this.  He was faultless.  He did everything he could to make sure everyone enjoyed the trip, nothing was too much trouble.  He worked hard to ensure we all got something amaxing out of our time in Africa - from pointing out things to educating us on history of the places we visited and about all the wildlife we saw.  He is an absolute credit to Exodus.The crew overall was fantastic and took great care of us all - so special thanks to George and Kennedy too.  Thank you!  

Advice for Potential Travellers

Make sure you read the trip notes and bring all the essential items!  Try and resist the temptation to upgrade to rooms - the camping is great fun!  There are long drives on a few days but there is lots to see so sit back and enjoy!  Mosquito repellant essential and also think about bringing spare camera batteries and lots of memory!


This holiday was a holiday with a difference, nothing that I have ever experience before but it was fantastic. I did enjoyed the moving around bit,  and camping out in the various camp sites. The crew members were so efficient thats made a big difference as well.  Seeing all the animals topped it for me absolutely brilliant. 

Most Inspirational Moment

Well its really hard to say because every moment of it was inspirational. One of the optional activities that I did in Tanzania was going for a walk through the local community to see how they live and how they do stuff. We also visited a school which was really lovely.Driving through the safari and seeing all the wild animals in thier natural habitat not influence by humans was unbelieveable. For me also just being in africa was inspirational enough for me. Zanzibar was lovely as well sand and sea can't top that. Overall a brilliant trip money well spent.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The group leader was great, Moses was is name. He worked hard to satisfied all our needs and quickly to resolve any problems are issues that occured. He was so patient and tried to accommodate us so that we could see and take pictures of things we wanted. He also knows alot about the animals and the history of the countries we visited. He also made us feel safe and comfortable throughout our time there which was a big part of why I personally enjoyed the trip. I also have to mention his team the driver and the cook they also did a fantastic job. I have no complains, all I have is praises for the group leader and his team. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

My advice to potential travellers have an open mind and enjoy the experience. If you have never been on a holiday like this before its different but enjoyable at the same time. Just keep an open mind.


The trip was a one in a lifetime trip. Each day was filled with activities or travel. My favourite part was the game drives though Zanzibar was amazing and I needed the rest after all the travel.

Most Inspirational Moment

The most inspirational part of the trip was the trip to the Serengeti. One day wasn't enough though and it felt very rushed getting through the park in time to camp and then having to leave by lunchtime. Another day would have been greatly appreciated.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Mose our group leader was totally amazing and supportive. He knew his information and had everything covered. A great guy.

Advice for Potential Travellers

I would advise potential travellers to be aware of how much travel was involved. Also to bring spare batteries for their cameras as oppertunities to charge cameras are intermittent.   


An experience of a lifetime, fantastic wildlife viewing under varied environments and conditions. A holiday for the more adventurous, be prepared for some long days and short nights !

Most Inspirational Moment

Walking with girafe's, zebra, eland, wilderbeast  and gazelle's on day 2 was real Africa !  The sunrise balloon trip over the Serengeti is breathtaking  and a must do !

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader was a wonderful friend to have with us on the trip

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be prepared to assist with the chores and be part of the team which helped strengthen the holiday friendships


A great trip, many fantastic experiences, great wildlife, wonderful landscapes and a great rest at the end in Zanzibar. There is alot of travelling but if you want the variety….

Most Inspirational Moment

The baloon ride over the Serengeti. Its alot of $$$ and an early start, but well worth it - a truly magical experience and big grin factor.Your first lion is a great moment, especially when she is in a tree 5 meters away chilling out.Stone Town in Zanzibar is excellent - find a rooftop bar, order a Tusker and watch the sun go down....I could go on.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Lelei made a great trip a fantastic one. He worked so hard for the group, but his big smile and sense of humour will be long remembered.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Sell your Tanzanian Shillings before you leave the country, you cant do it later - I have a pile of notes gathering dust.Be methodical with your packing, you often dont have much time to get your luggage out of the lockers.Prepare for rain and sun.Weight limit for the internal flight to Zanzibar is currently 15kg - watch the scales or you might need your tour leader to sort things out for you (again) - thanksStuff will happen - go with the flow - TIA - This Is Africa!!


Excellent trip. Fantastic sights, great companions, loads of wildlife and a brilliant tour leader.  After having been on the Gorillas and Masai Mara trip already, I was looking for a trip that’d go into Tanzania and so I chose this one. Well, I’m gladI did. It was well worth it. If you have not been on a wildlife adventure in Africa before, this might just be the trip for you.

Most Inspirational Moment

Nakuru just after the end of the rainy season.Ngorongoro CraterChillaxing in Zanzibar

Thoughts on Group Leader

Moses was probably the best tour leader I ever had with Exodus. There's not much else to add.Well done.  Equally good were Albert, our cook, and Boniface, our driver. All three of them made this a better trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The trip notes list a waterbottle, torch, suncream, sunglasses and a travel towel as optional items. Well, there are not optional, you'll need them. Also, take watershoes (wetshoes) for a walk along the beach/in the water in Zanzibar. 


Great trip, quite a lot of time spent driving from place to place but that’s mostly unavoidable. Another day in the Serengeti would have been good. My companions were a great bunch which always helps.

Most Inspirational Moment

I went to see the wildlife and there was lots, can't really pick a favourite.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Moses was great as were Albert and Boniface, they couldn't have done a better job.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Your bags travel in a locker on the truck, it's probably useful to check they fit beforehand and take a small padlock for the locker. Take some warm clothes for the crater, it can be quite cool. Buy a cheap pillow early in the trip.


What an amazing experience. This trip is fantastic and would recommend it to anyone. Even better if you meet some good people which i was fortunate to do. Saw the big five, walked on kili and experienced the good African culture. Truly brilliant.

Most Inspirational Moment

Meeting the local people and of course the small children. You have the opportunity to ride on a camel into a small village where you can see the small homes and meet the people. Absolutley brilliant.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Yeah she was good, had good knowledge of the area and the local people which came in very handy. Got the impression towards the back end of the trip that she gave up a little. On the whole very good.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book the trip.......its brilliant and a once in a life time opportunity.


A well balanced trip with an exhausting start (driving, tent) but with absolutely fabulous game viewing and topped of with 4 relaxing days in Zanzibar.

Most Inspirational Moment

The game drives definately were the highlight of the trip. Our group was fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the elusive Caracal which even our group leader had not seen since some 10 years. There was surely no lack of other predators either, including a pack of lions feeding on a zebra - be honest - that's really why you go on safari, not ?

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sympathetic and very knowledgeable on the area and wildlife.

Advice for Potential Travellers

This is not a 'total relaxation' vacation. Certainly the long drives, building up, taking dow and the sleeping in the tents in the first part of the trip are quite exhausting. Although I should admit that I had never slept on a travel mattrass in a tent before so I was a real novice explorer and I may have underestimated that part. ;-) The beautiful landscaptes you are passing trough and all the game viewing totally make it worth it though, and the trip is topped by 4 really relaxing days in Zanzibar to get you back on your feet. So this brings back some balance to the trip.


An experience so far removed from my daily routine that I relaxed completely despite the early starts. You can't underestimate the sensation of being amid lions, giraffes, zebras, hippos, baboons – and much, much more – in their natural habitat.

Most Inspirational Moment

It's a toss-up between spotting an Elephant trotting into our campsite as we walked back to our tent from the bathroom (it was literally just metres away and seemed completely oblivious to our presence, happily chomping away on the bramble!) and actually getting to see a Leopard, which I didn't expect.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Chris was an excellent group leader - fair but firm, he made us all feel safe. When the truck broke down in the middle of the Serengeti, we were all very calm in the knowledge that he and Tutu, his second in command, were doing there absolute utmost to get it repaired. Chris even caught Malaria while on the road and this did not affect our trip in the slightest. A true champion.

Advice for Potential Travellers

'Haraka haraka haina baraka- Great haste has no blessing': The pace is different in Africa, you'll have to adapt. That said, don't be afraid to tell your group leader if you feel something is wrong. Being chilled about stuff does not mean being taken for a ride.