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Turtle, Ecuador


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I have had great diffuculty rating this trip and even with the benefit of time, I just cannot give it more than 4 stars, I really wanted too but although there is nothing wrong with the trip at all and it is exactly as promised in the brochure, I can’t help feeling just a bit disappointed. That may sound churlish on what is otherwise an excellent over 3 week trip to a stunning country with fantastic settings for those who love the outdoors, that was superbly organised. But perhaps that’s it, the trip is exactly as planned as described and there was not that sudden "surprise" moment you get on other trips. The trip perhaps tries to be too many things to everyone, accepting this may be many peoples only taste of New Zealand, so although it is 3 weeks long, there is an awful lot packed in and being honest the hiking was really relatively easy and it is apparent there are so many fantastic longer hikes available, so I think I would have prefered it to have been able to indulge in one of the longer multi-day hikes, rather than just doing a bit of several of the classic hikes.

Most Inspirational Moment

The trip had many highlights, overall the helicopter trip to Siberia hut followed by the climb to Lake Crucible and the jet-boat out of the Siberia river valley the next day was probably the best single part. However for scale and beauty, Milford Sound is almost impossible to beat. The hike up and over the volcanoes at Tongariro was equally inspiration in a more physical way (especially good if you are a Lord of the Rings fan and like spotting film locations). The final hike around Mt Somers, initially felt like it had been tagged on a something to fill a day, but this turned out to be particularly enjoyable, probably as it was the most deserted and not only was the scenery stunning but it was glimpse of how New Zealanders have brilliantly engaged with their outdoors. Perhaps the most surprisingly inspiration part was waking up after camping on the beach in Abel Tasman, just like Robinson Crusoe.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The two trip leaders, one each for North and South Island were fantastic; knowledgable, enthusiastic. encouraging. Impossible to rate them any higher.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you want to experience a bit of most things New Zealand has to offer, this trip is probably ideal for you, although for me it has just stimulated a desire to go on and do the whole Milford trek. I probably did not quite consider who would pay this amount of money and take over 3 weeks off, and it is fair to say that all but one other person on the trip was retired, and as such I was considerably younger than everyone else. This was not particualrly a problem but some fellow travellers seemed to have major concerns about some of the accomodations and I have never been on an Exodus trip like this were people brought hard cases for luggage. Yes, there is camping, some of the huts are basic and there are drop toilets and shared sleeping platforms; however compared to similar in other parts of the world, these are relatively well appointed, clean and comfortable. You do need to be prepared to carry some group equpment, so you do need a 50L day sac, it's a bit unfair if those who do bring larger day sacs have to carry all the eqipment. We were extremely lucky with the weather, especially in the rain-ridden areas of South Island and I am sure at another time you will get considerably wet. You do need to be prepared for all climates, so pack accordingly with layers: it ranged from tropical beach in Abel Tasman to hiking in a hail storm in Mt Cook. The biting insects are worse than advertised, bring repellent and cover up. Gaiters are useful as the grass is wet in the morning and I found baselayer leggings possibly the most useftul piece of clothing, easy to carry, sleep in and wear under shorts to hike in, as the New Zealanders do. For th overnighters you do need enough clothing to change completely.The instructions regarding baggage are clear but different people interpreted differently. You do need a 50 L sac for the overnight hikes, enough to carry sleeping bag, clothes and a share of the group equipment but you can leave your remaining equipment locked in the trailor. I brought a standard and comfortable rucksac with all my things as my main baggage and smaller 30 L day sac as hand luggage and for day walks and decanted out what I didn't need each time into a fold up travel holdall and walked with my riucksac.  This worked well for me, others packed a ~ 50L pack inside their bigger main baggage and also brought a smaller day sac, this seemed like a lot of baggage.As advertised this is a very fast paced trip, there is a lot of arriving late at accomodation and leaving early the next morning. Compared to other trips there is not a lot of time to rinse out and dry clothes, which might be worth considering when packing.I took walking poles but strapped them to my pack on all but one day, the walking is not that difficult at all. However the climb is Lake Crucible is very steep and I found poles essential for both the ascent and descent. So I would recommend taking them.


Great scenery, beautiful setting for accommodation and fantastic that we were served produce grown on the land.Really enjoyed the group – a great mix and the walks were pretty varied

Most Inspirational Moment

Getting to the top of the highest mountain in Tuscany (and on our first completely sunny day!) Laughing a lot. both with the locals and several members of the group

Thoughts on Group Leader

very knowledgeable and extremely active ladyShe was careful to ensure everyone stayed pretty close on walks and made the right decisions on changing the itinerary when needed

Advice for Potential Travellers

a relatively good level of fitness is required as there is some steep inclines on walks most days. Good waterproof clothing and shoes is a must


the content of the itinerary was very well planned with lots of opportunities to see lemurs, although I would have happily not bothered with the Lakes at Fianarantsoa.  There are some really long days on the road but the scenery is always captivating.  My biggest negative was the lack of service at the hotels particularly in the restaurants – having done a fair amount of travelling in africa and asia, this was the worse experience.  BUT it was a good trip with some fabulous photographic opportunities.

Most Inspirational Moment

All the opportunities to see Lemurs - whether in the rain forest or in private parks - one image which makes me smile when I recall it, is the lemur park at Vakuna Lodge (Nr Perinet national park), where the lemurs used us as places to jump on to and off and to sit on.  I have some lovely photos of people in the group with one or two lemurs sitting on their arms and shoulders.  Also the two walks in the Tsingy's were interesting; fascinating structures and great to be able to get out and walk - it was a bonus to see lemurs on both Tsingy walks. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sol who was the leader of our group until we returned to Tana was one of the best I have travelled with.  Very well organised and made even the long road journeys interesting by telling us different things about Madagascar - he was righly proud of his country and delighted in introducing us to as many experiences as possible.  We also had some excellent local guides in different areas and some good drivers. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

I posted some general comments on the community arrivals board in answer to some questions from members of the group going out after our return but mainly I would advise that the long road journeys tend to be longer than advised on the itinerary so be prepared.  It was one of the ironies of the trip that the really nice places to stay you arrive late and leave early!  As a vegetarian I found it difficult to get sufficient food (this is obviously my personal observation) and I would probably have taken some museli with me to supplement breakfast - which were generally meagre.  We did have chances to stock up on food and fruit in supermarkets which was good.  The photographic opportunities are numerous - take lots of memory cards/film.  Re-charging cameras, I-pods, Kindles etc is no problem.  Some of the best photographic opportunities are in the early morning - whether walking on the beach in Morondova or around gardens in the various hotels.  Definitely visit the Lemur Park in Tana - it is a rescue centre in a lovely park setting with the lemurs running free (not in cages) and really friendly, informative staff.  You can never have enough opportunities to see lemurs.  Take a head torch for the walks in the Tsingy...you will need your hands.


An amazing holiday full of colour and interest.

Most Inspirational Moment

Watching the lemurs watching us in the wild! We were lucky enough to see many of the different types of lemurs in the different locations along with some chameleons, insects, birds & a fossa.The baobabs are stunning against the blue sky and we witnessed an amazing sunset there but away from the crowds of people.The markets were vibrant & interesting and provided great photo opportunities as most people were happy to have their photograph taken.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sol is the best tour leader we have ever had. He went out of his way to show us all that his country has to offer. Many ad hoc stops were made to view the every day aspects of Madagascan life and frequent stops to take photos were offered. Information was freely given but we were never overwhelmed with it. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

There is a lot of travelling long distances. The journeys are interesting especially as Sol adds many unmissible side visits to the itinerary but expect to be tired by the end of the holiday. The roads travelled on with the 4WD's are dirt tracks full of ruts so you do get thrown around alot. You need to be reasonably agile to do the Grand Tsingy trek. Sol offered the option of Petite Tsingy to those of the group who felt they were not up to the trek.  


Early to bed and early to rise in between you’ll sleep in a tent you’ll grow to despise!  The rewards are breathtaking vistas and a true safari experience with an abundance of wildlife you won’t get back home.  Fantastic!

Most Inspirational Moment

Descending into the Ngorongoro crater was like entering a lost world.  From the top you would think it was a vast empty space.  When are on the crater floor you'll be astounded by how many animals actually live together in this caldera.  The variety of species was also revealing and a good set of binoculars came in very handy as well as a decent zoom on the camera.We had a visit from some elephants drinking for the camp water supply - that caused quite a stir.The Serengetti balloon ride was as expensive as it was surreal.  This was part of what we went for and it will stay in our memories for ever.  We had mixed reports before we left but I can honestly say it was the best balloon ride I've been on and the cooked breakfast with champagne (Cava) was a good way to start the day.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Emias was amazing. Extremely well organised and always provided just enough information so would not forget and yet still be informed.  Nothing was too much trouble for him and his knowledge of wildlife was encyclopedic.  His driving was excellent on some difficult roads and thankfully he was the only one who stayed awake for the full journey which is a long way.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take some old gardening gloves for putting up the tent and taking it down.  The metal hooks are annoying and make your fingers sore after a few days.  You'll be doing this in the dark on some days so take a good head torch too.  There are some very early morning starts but it is worth it so you get to your next camp site in the light and you get the best spot.  You can always catch up wtih your sleep on the truck.  There will be long periods of travelling in the truck so be prepared with some personal entertainment or a pillow. If you are tempted by the Dolphin Trip on Zanzibar please INSIST on having a life jacket before you get on the boat.  We had none and the sea was rough to the point we asked to be taken back ashore.  We complained to no avail.The Kilimanjaro walk is well worth the effort.  It is NOT EASY bearing in mind the teraine, altitude and heat so some fitness is required and take plenty of water.  Remember 'pole-pole' - take it slow.


A very nice time had by all

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing the bears

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellant the best we have ever had with any tour company.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't eat too much before you go, the food is lovely.


First class trip with an inspirational leader (Graham) who kept the group rolling even when the weather did not co-operate and an excellent driver/chef (Chris) who went the extra mile with food and getting the camp organised.

Most Inspirational Moment

The views of the Mont Blanc massive while walking and particulalry a brilliant ride across the Glacier du Geant on the Telecabine de la Valle Blanch to the Aigulle du Midi on our rest day in Courmayeur - one occasion when the wather did co-operate!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent both at a technical and group management levels - provided opportunities for the younger, faster, fitter members of the party to burn off their energy whilst encouraging the slower old codgers without being patronising.


A great summer walking holiday–some really fabulous walks. Long days though, and weather a bit variable.

Most Inspirational Moment

Suddenly seeing a colony of goldfinches flitting about the conifers...Waking up to the rugged snow capped peaks outside the chalet window with snow and sunlight sparkling on them.Lying in the hot tub after a long walk. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

A classic!Very funny, a master of puns, and a truly warm and sociable character. Lots of laughs all week, and some loud groans too. (We hope the nuns enjoy the Spencer Tracey moments). Elaine's cakes are legendary, and there were generous slices in the mega packed lunches. We were all sad to say goodbye to Oliver and Elaine

Advice for Potential Travellers

Make sure you have all the gear, weather can be changeable from cold to v.hot or simply pouring! The walks are great though, so don't be put off.Lose weight before you go, they feed you well and you will GAIN weight despite all the exercise. 


This is an action packed holiday and anyone that likes cycling can have a great time. I had only been on small wheel fold up bike before cycling in London and found this holiday was a fantastic way to see the people and the country. Anyone reasonable fit can do this trip because you have good group staff and support.

Most Inspirational Moment

In Saigon you must visit the War Renmants museum and for me cycling the 103 km from Dalat past villages and forests was just out of this world. Meeting the local ethnic people along the way made this a great bike ride. To finish up with a 30 km down hill fast ride in the forest made a great way to end the day after some up hill climbs. Every day was different with other good cycling days and I was please to cycle up the Hai Van Pass even if it was not that easy I made it to the top and then it was all down hill. The food in Vietnam was good and very cheap in the places where we stayed. The beaches with golden sands and deep blue water are some of the best I have seen in the world.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader was Lam and his staff helped out to made this a real great cycling holiday.  Lam made the holiday and with his staff we had good stops for rest every 15 to 20 km. So it was not so hard to ride 100 km in one day and after the fist few days you got use to longer days.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Best take good cycling cloths like pedded shorts as you will need them. A must is a long sleeved cycling shirt if you are not used to the sun you will burn and plentry of good sun protection and after sun. Gel cvover for the bike saddle can be of use.


I organised a trip with Exodus for 3 dads to climb Kilimanjaro with their 18 year old sons / daughters. All 6 of us had a fantastic time and have some great memories – and we all got to the summit. It is a hard slog to get to the top but it is all worth it. The support crew were fantastic – supportive, encouraging, professional and reassuring.

Most Inspirational Moment

The most inspirational part was getting first to Giolman's Point when we really doubted whether we would all make it and then to Uhuru Peak. The final section was really tiring but it was amazing how one's energy returned when one made the summit - however it is a long way down!

Thoughts on Group Leader

The leader (Simon) and all the guides were great and I could not fault anything they did. Special mention goes to Milton, our cook, who managed to conjure up 3 course meals each night from a mess tent - it was all very welcome!

Advice for Potential Travellers

It is important to have a reasonable level of fitness - but one really cannot tell how the altitude will affect each person. None of our group took Diamox (altitude sickness pill) but other groups did. I would rather know what was happening to my body rather than it being masked (but it is a personal choice).3 golden rules to get to the top: Go slowly (pole pole in Swaheli), drink enough water (I have to say that got more difficult on summit day as my stomach could not face the chemical tasting water) and have a positive mental attitude (absolutely critical).