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Turtle, Ecuador


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This was a well organised holiday combing wonderful cycling with visits of great contemporary interest- a fine way to experience acountry at first hand.

Most Inspirational Moment

A wonderful climb in the mountains.A visit to Santa Clara and the site dedicated to Che GuevaraListening to Buena Vista type music on the steps of Plaza Mayor in Trinidad.

Thoughts on Group Leader

He was ever helpful and informative and organised the whole trip very well. An excellent leader.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Give it a go.


This was a unforgettable holiday. I realy enjoyed visiting Jordan as I had never visited the Middle East before. Enjoyed the historical sites plus floating in the Dead Sea and sleeping out under the stars in Wadi Rum. 

Most Inspirational Moment

The highlight of the trip was Petra. There are no words that can explain it. The two climbs to Ed Deir ( Monastary) and Attuf Ridge ( The High Place of Sacrifice) was an amazing experience.Second was sleeping under the stars with the Beduins in the Barrh camp in Siq Umm Tawaqi in Wadi Rum, after a camel ride earlier in the day, Lawrance of Arabia style!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our tour leader Saddam al King was a first class guide and made sure to include a couple of side trips that werent on the itinerary and really added to the trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Try the Turkish baths. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and drink lots of water! Make an effort to get on as a group as it can make all the difference to how much you enjoy your holiday.


A lifetime of experiences crammed into two weeks! a perfect adventure that showed some truly unique aspects of northern India  from forts to food that i would never have seen without this trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

It is nearly impossible to seperate out inspirational moments; my girlfriend and I got engaged at the Taj Mahal which was an amazing experience at a truly magical monument. Seeing four tigers on a game drive was unbelievable, but sites like Mehrangarth fort at Jodhpur, the palaces at Udiapur or the Jain temple in Ranakpur were incredble as well.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader Arvind Tikoo made the whole adventure for me. He was excellent during all aspects of the trip, from organising celebration cakes, dealing with tour guides, local merchants and hotels to arranging visits to schools, farms, and brick factorys to break up some of the travelling. Arvind was also excellent at explaining the political, historical and religious influences that have shaped the areas we visited a true treasure and lynch pin to the trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Just make sure to savour every aspect of the trip there is so much to enjoy and experience. Also dont watch the indian driving too much it's crazy!


A little early in the dry season to rate a ‘classic’ trip for me personally, June/ July / August should be much better, but still saw Lions, Wild Dogs,Buffalo,  Crocs, Hippos, hundreds of Ellies, Giraffe and Wild Dogs…  a great tour Leader with a good sense of humour (allways helps) and driver who managed to spot anything that moved whilst still keeping an eye on the tracks….   overall a great trip, and did I say we saw Wild Dogs?….

Most Inspirational Moment

Wild dogs and the total tranquility of the Delta in the Mekoros.....

Thoughts on Group Leader

Superb...   Andrew was fantastic and a great cook.

Advice for Potential Travellers

one thing,  the truck is open to the elements,  great for game viewing, but not so when travelling long distances at speed, so a light scarfe is a must, desert rats style.     and also there's no lockable safes on the truck either so looking after your valuables can be tricky at times,  like keeping everything dry at victoria falls for example....   


Very good guide who really looked after you. Very hectic schedule would have been better if we could have stayed in Cusco a extra day and Lima as well.

Most Inspirational Moment

Seing the sacred sights and the Condors. I really enjoyed allthe nature we saw.

Thoughts on Group Leader

He was very knowlegable and looked after us well.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be careful what you eat and take imodium and antibiotics with you. Drink lots of water to avoid altitude sickness.


The trek was great and the Atlas Mountains are as beautiful as you imagine, particularly whilst covered in snow. The itinerary was manageable even without much special training, although it merits the ‘difficult’ ranking.

Most Inspirational Moment

You'll do this trip for the mountaineering, not for the food or the experience that you'll have of Marrakech. The itinerary was perfect for a short break and for those seeking a challenge, such as climbing to a high altitude or trying out crampons.  The food wasn't poor but wasn't tasty or what you might already know as Moroccan. There were tagine's and couscous but the spices are left out because the tourists apparently don't like them. As a foodie, this was a little disappointing. It didn't get in the way of a good time though, as the mountains as such an amazing setting. The lodge is well placed as the base for three nights and the treks are intense but leave you with a good part of the day just to stare into the snowy vista, read a book, play cards with your new travel mates or sleep off the exertion. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

The group leader was superb. He's worked for Exodus for 17 years and knows this trek extremely well. He's completely safety focussed and is not at all blase' after all these years working similar tours, which was refreshing. He was always available to answer questions, help with crampons and to encourage the group along their challenge. I've had various treks with other companies and guides and this was certainly the best I'd had.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Read the trip notes more carefully than you think you already have. Most of our group hadn't realised we'd be in the same lodge for three nights, or that the trek would be entirely on snow for three out of the five days. Our fault, and there was nothing wrong with it, but it was a surprise. Also don't expect to experience Marrakech. You'll arrive late at night and start the drive out to the Atlas the next day. Whilst the hotel isn't in a bad location, the Hotels we had are not in the Medina and are on a noisy road with Macdonalds and Pizza Hut nearby. You can make it to the main square, but not very leisurely. I added on extra time and stayed in a Riad within the Medina to get to the more beautiful side of the city


The Highlights of Morocco was an Amazing trip with an amazing Itinerary. I felt we got to see the "Real" Morocco and not just crowded tourist area’s. In fact, I found that besides our group, there were only a handful of tourists in every city we went to, which made the trip less choatic. We saw busy cities and urban area’s as well as mountain villages and small towns. There was a wide variety of activities ranging from hiking, shopping and getting lost in the medina to having opportunities to just sit and relax with a cup of berber whiskey (aka Mint Green Tea) and a good book. Most nights we had Tijine for dinner and tried new foods along the way.  

Most Inspirational Moment

Essouria, having free time to explore the city, medina and the beach. Walked for hours along the beach and within the medina. Enjoyed time at a cafe, views of the ocean and sunset from a castle wall, experienceing a freshly made crepe and finding a small restaurant with our group and having the best meal of the trip. Had a small group (9 people) and we all got along and at times when we had free time, we stayed together and made for a great experience and great memories.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Group leader was professional and did a good job. He was fun and easy to get along with.

Advice for Potential Travellers

- Make sure you have space in your luggage for souvenirs as there was a lot of market shopping in the Medina's.- Only needed sleeping bad for three nights (camping in the sahara desert and for two nights in the gite) - Food was good, but found it got a little repetative and most days tasted the same. But still was great food.- Be prepared for mass tourists in Marrakech, compared to the rest of the tour, Marrakech had the most tourists and crowds.


One of the best weeks of my life! I learnt so much about the life, culture, geography and history of Morocco, as well as how to sit on a camel and not get too sore! The people were fabulous and only a week after arriving back a few of us have met up and re-lived our experiences.

Most Inspirational Moment

Sleeping under the stars...

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our leader was suberb- he knew when to give us a break or encourage us when we were tired. We learnt all about Berber life and he didn't tire of us asking questions all the time!He said that he hoped our visit to Morocco would 'change us in some way'. It certainly has.

Advice for Potential Travellers



the trip notes allegedly revised in october 2010 bore little relationship to the actual itinerary which was extensively amended by our guide-he claimed that the original plans had been drawn up before the forest fires which devastated major forested inland areas -these fires made it necessary to substantially alter several of the walks-the order in which the walks were made was also changed.these changes were annoying but not as frustrating as the complete shambles of the transport arrangements throughout our stay-we had a full quota of sixteen walkers plus guide which on any other trip of this kind would,in my experience,have qualified the group for the provision of a dedicated vehicle or at least one for which we had a priority claim-we spent the week on and off public buses and in a range of cars vans and taxis which had for the most part been "cobbled together by the very frustrated guide who seemed to have little clout when it came to the question of transport-some of the drivers were dressed as waiters and bar staff and had obviously been "borrowed" from elsewhere-the guide implied that our travel budget had been downgraded because the accomodation arrangements had cost a greater percentage of the tour cost due to the size of the group and the need to switch to hotels of a higher grade!-the whole operation seemed to be run on a shoe string and left the group frustrated that we were being moved around like so much burdensome luggage-i expected more professionalism from a company of your size and resources-you need a more "hands on" approach and need to give your local staff and representatives more support


What a wonderful week I had, the group was just brilliant, we had so many funny moments. As for the walking it was set at a good pace although some did not complete all the walks I would recommend this trip to anyone who likes walking. No climbing or scrambling involved

Most Inspirational Moment

Standing on the top of the peaks looking around at the most amazing views.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Sara is just great, she was so knowledgeable and so pleasant to talk to and would do anything to help. I have done many trips and can say she has by far been the best

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book this trip you will not be disappointed. One thing that I and others missed whilst having lunch on the mountains was a cup of tea or coffee. Take a small flask with you.