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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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Wow!  What else is there to say except book this trip now.!  Bush camp is superb, the food amazing, Darren and Emma are camp hosts extraordinaire, the guides are simply the best and most of all Paul Goldstein an inspiration to all.  I’ve bored all my friends and family raving about this trip so I can’t wait for the next.

Most Inspirational Moment

How can you single out one inspirational moment?  I would say that one whole day was extra special.  We went looking for a leopard with 3 cubs, saw two leopards on the way in the Landcruiser headlights then found the leopard with the 3 cubs who then casually climbed the perfect tree just in front of our vehicle! And all this before 7am! On the same day seeing one of the largest Widerbeest crossings of the season and on the way back to camp stopping to check on a cheetah and her 2 cubs.  But that was not all before we got back to camp we saw a lone leopard draped over a tree branch and with Paul's help took sone awesome photos silhouetted against the evening sky.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul Goldstein exudes passion and inspires all around him.  His energy and enthusiasm are infectious.  His main desire is perfection and second best is simply not good enough, which gives rise to occasional outbursts when you forget his advice.  All this serves to ensure you get the best possible shots in the best position possible.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take a fleece as it gets very cold in the mornings, especially when you are travelling at speed in an open-sided Landcruiser.  And if like me you are on your first trip with Paul be prepared to have the 'mickey' taken out of you mercilessly.  Join in and have fun and give as good as you get and you won't go far wrong.  If you are good at telling jokes (un-pc especially welcome) you will fit in well.  Oh and don't forget to take some sweets with you as Paul kept asking me and I hadn't any.I only have one complaint about Paul.  Why on earth would you support a football team like Spurs when the Arsenal are so much better and nearby?


Absolutely fantastic safari with abundance of wildlife, witnessing special and spectaculars sightings, staying at the intimate Kicheche Bush Camp where all the staff is ever so friendly, outstanding service and delicious food.

Most Inspirational Moment

17 October - 6 leopards before 7.30am!  Most spectacular!  The group and the guides alike were just amazed and thrilled to share this special moment when the leopard and her 3 cubs climbed up the perfect tree for all of us to see.  For afters, we witnessed one of the biggest wildebeest migrations.  All thanks to Paul's experience and flair to take us there on that memorable day.Following Narasha, the cheetah and her 2 cubs, the excitement of the fawn chase on the first day, the drama of her missing cubs and the relief when we found them safe and sound, the worry when the 2 cheetah brothers walked past them, but simplest of all on the last morning - having breakfast in the jeep watching them just meters away.  Following the Marsh Pride, skilful team work of lionesses hunting and 6 adorable cubs fooling around providing endless fun

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very charismatic, Paul's passion for wildlife and photography is infectious.  It's clear to see that he loves what he does, hardworking and helped by exceptional guides, they make sure the group have the best opportunities and working as a team we always were at the right place at the right time.  He shares his time fairly within the group, giving some tough love to get the best out of your photos with excellent results.  Not forgetting lots of unPC jokes and silly games to keep the group entertained.

Advice for Potential Travellers

You don’t have to be an expert photograph to enjoy this safari, just do some homework and learn the basics before, and you will have a brilliant time.  I will recommend it for any wilderness fan, the abundance and variety of wildlife is fantastic, along with beautiful scenery, amazing sky and stars gazing on clear nights...  Saying that it’s a real bonus when you take stunning pictures, and you will!!  I will recommend it for people travelling on their own.  I felt safe at all time, part of the group with like-minded people enjoying wildlife and photography, and never lonely.


An amazing trip. Great accommodation in the heart of the Masai Mara with excellent bush camp staff and wonderful food. Brilliant game watching led expertly by Paul and his team of very knowledgeable guides. A close connection to the wildlife and breathtaking photo-opportunities. And all done with sensitivity for the environment and respect for the local communities. 

Most Inspirational Moment

There were so many but the single best moment was seeing a female leopard with her three cubs high in a tree and no more than ten yards away from our Landcruiser. This was followed no more than two hours later by a massive wildebeest crossing, one of natures great spectacles.

Thoughts on Group Leader

A very knowledgeable and highly expert wildlife guide during the day and a great raconteur during the evenings with a constant stream of highly amusing jokes and anecdotes. A larger than life character.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Just sign up and enjoy a fabulous holiday. Once in the Mara the experience is faultless. Be prepared for periods of relative inactivity during the day, the wildlife does not perform to order, but on our trip there was always a spectacular sighting in the offing to maintain a high level of anticipation. 


A fantastic week amongst the big cats of the Mara.  We were based in comfortable and roomy tents with all mod cons and fed superbly by the camp chefs.

Most Inspirational Moment

It has to be the privilege of seeing, at close quarters, a leopard with her three cubs.  I went on this trip hoping we might be able to see a leopard and came back having had good views of nine.A close second would be our visits to the Marsh pride at dawn.  Seeing the lions' breath backlit by the rising sun was pure magic. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul Goldstein is like the bionic man; his energy never fails and he invariably makes the right call to give his groups the most outstanding photographic opportunities.  Don't go on his holidays for a rest!Charles, Patrick and James were all both very friendly and superb spotters and did their utmost to manoeuvre the Land Cruisers into the best positions for photography.Darren and Emma could not have been better camp hosts and all their staff were friendly and helpful.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take plenty of sun cream, drink plenty of water and don't get upset if you receive some fairly blunt advice about your photographic techniques!


My fifth photographic safari and they keep delivering.  I always think maybe this one will not match the others, but I am always wrong.  Great experience again – well done Paul and the team.

Most Inspirational Moment

Sitting between full grown male and female lions calling at full volume.  Good light, visible breath and an experience that brought back many memories and will not be forgotten.  There were others - huge wildebeest crossings, leopards in fantastic light - the list goes on

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul Goldstein - what can you say that hasn't already been said. Inspirational, challenging, always keen to deliver the best....

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book one asap


Having been on 3 safaris,I wanted to add another level to my photography skills.This safari really delivered. There was drama, excitement and humour on every drive courtesy of our excellent leader,Paul. Not only did I pick up some great tips from him, but just being in the company of other photograhers meant I learnt a tremendous amount from them too.

Most Inspirational Moment

Just survivnig a whole day game drive in Paul's vehicle was an achievemnt in itself.Tracking a cheetah and cub for a day and a half and being able to practice so many photographic skills on just those two animals.They kept us entertained for hours !!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul is certainly a "one off". Once you get up to speed with him, (he seems to allow one game drive,if that), his dynamic and energetic approach ensures every moment of the trip(both on the drives and back at camp) is maximised.He displayed an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the Bush (and of Tottenham Hotspur,which was an added bonus)

Advice for Potential Travellers

This safari is not for the shy and faint hearted but if you can suvrive ,you wont regret coming


Stupendous safari with sightings galore, quality comfort and cooking, adventures abound with exciting encounters.  Highest honours to the hosts and proficient Paul’s gregarious guiding contributed to a group of contented comparative strangers.

Most Inspirational Moment

As a first timer on a "proper" African safari we got off to a brilliant start but every day became special in its own way then the last drive on the last day exceeded expectations with the elephant encounter to surpass all others.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul's own indomitable style kept the group on high alert and his art as raconteur made evenings highly entertaining - his enthusiasm and passion for animals is manifestly evident.  A different judgement of your photography together with samples of his work provides stimulating thoughts and aspirational desires. I hope to have the delight of travelling with him again.

Advice for Potential Travellers

I was the only one in the group NOT to have an SLR - some could be intimidated by this.  Also if you have an ipad or similar for downloading and reviewing work with PG in the evenings - be sure to take it.

Low Season, High Grass But Still Sightings!

A supposedly ‘low season’ trip which still saw lots of sightings of leopards, cheetahs and lions. The grass was unusually high this time around (compared to the same time 2 years ago) which made the photography more challenging – but the grass (when not in the way of your subject) looked beautiful.

Most Inspirational Moment

Two moments really - a day and a half spent witnessing a young cheetah play-fighting with his very tolerant mum - leaping up into trees and having to be taught how to come back down! Plus a close encounter with a herd of elephants - a teenage one in particular. Who approached our vehicle a number of times to use it as a scratching post! A magical moment.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul was his usual whirlwind of hyperactive energy - mad keen on us both seeing some big cats plus also honing our photographic skills into the bargain! It's hard not to find Paul's enthusiasm contagious - and the occasional yelling for 'faffing about' is fine as you know it's just because he wants us to be in the prime position to get the best shot and to experience the animal behaviour up close.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Expect early starts and long days - not a problem for most as the adrenaline tends to kick in if you have a sighting or hear of a sighting and are going hell for leather trying to get there as quickly as possible! Evening and mornings can be cold - so take a fleece or something. Generally very hot during the day, so any pale people like me need to take a good amount of suncream!


Excellent accommodation, good food, great hosts.  The photography was out of this world.

Most Inspirational Moment

As there were so many inspirational moments its hard to pinpoint one.  The whole trip was inspirational - but to give a few "key moments" a leopard on one side of the track, then another on the other side, pelicans flying in the mist, flamingoes before dawn, Zawadi and her cub, and to end it all, on the last morning drive - KICKCAT!!!

Thoughts on Group Leader

This is my 3rd trip with Paul.  He may be a bit like Marmite, but his leadership and the decisions he made to change us from staying in Nakuru to another camp in Navaisha meant that we all had an incredible experience and one I would not have missed. The beauty of his trips is that if there is something to see, you will see it, you may have to sit for many hours at a time, but the rewards are bountiful. I cannot wait till the next time and I do like marmite!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be patient, have a sense of humour and trust the group leader.  Do not pack too much and make sure you have all the camera equipment ready to hand or you will be accused of mincing!


This photographic trip surpassed everything I had hoped it would be, simply superb. Opportunities to get up close to a variety of wildlife, in stunning light, occurred every day, not just once, but many times.

Most Inspirational Moment

Several dawn incidents are memorable, such as a male lion being chased off by a pack of howling Hyenas, an unforgettable sound and spectacle. Or the frequent chasing around the plains following the three 'cheetah boys' as they hunted. Or the almost daily tracking of leopards.  One all-day outing was simply the most exhilerating , full-on experience of wildlife I have ever had, 14 hours of non-stop activity

Thoughts on Group Leader

Paul Goldstein has immense experience of these trips, and it shows. He is dedicated to ensuring everyone gets memorable pictures, constantly aware of where wildlife will be, racing across the Mara at high speed to catch the action, then postioning the vehicles for the best angles and light. He takes the time to patiently explain photographic technique for the less skilled  - but expects his advice to be remembered! Anyone failing to do this the next day, resulting in out of focus/underexposed/missed shots can expect a stream of invective in their corrective interview.

Advice for Potential Travellers

You will learn how to get excellent wildlife images, and be given many, many opportunities to take them. You will need plenty of card storage. A second camera is particularly useful as back up and for wide angle shots, leaving the main camera and long lens ever ready to not miss any action