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Turtle, Ecuador


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A really good trip with likeminded people. Excellent local guides who were flexible and gave us an insight into local culture and life in the Atlas Mountains as well as leading us up the mountain.

Most Inspirational Moment

Great group and numerous laughs.Being at top of Mount Toubkal, despite feeling effects of altitude!Fantastic scenery, particularly in the snow and sun.Visit to local Hammam was definitely memorable!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Both were excellent. Confident, professional and very focussed on our safety and well being.Adapted calmly to request to amend itinerary as a result of altitude issues.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Refuge and guest house colder than expected - really do need to take warm clothes and down jackets do make a difference ihn the evening.Advice given on need for very stiff boots not quite as essential as expected.


This deserves the challenging rating The notes aren’t correct you spend three nights at 3200m You ascend 1200m on the first ascent but don’t lose 900m as the trip notes sayOther wise they are OK So it is a night in Marrakech, a night at arounf 2000m, 3 nights at 3200m, then in revers a night at 2000m and a night bak in Marrakech I normally do circular walks – however this works given the terrain – one way in one way outLocala told me it looks most beautiful at the end of June early July – well it looked stunning in winter and it was great winter walking  

Most Inspirational Moment

seeing the ranges of mountains beyond - I don't know why but I though it was going to be desert - the region is far more mountainous than I had realised

Thoughts on Group Leader

The team leader (Mohamed) the porters, cook, and abdullah (guide0 were all fantastic - wish i could have them on every trek!It is worth brushing up your french for when explanations in english don't quite work 

Advice for Potential Travellers

The kit bag is a single trip bag - most failed at one end if the big handle was used - the bag is not ergonomically designed - a ruck sack is better...That said I am going to use the kit bag t store old gear because its shapes means it uses space efficiently in storageUse exodus - they use local guides and leaders with an abundance of knowledge - I don't think a question went unanswered...Haggle in the souks - don't pay the first thing they ask for - if you wouldn't pay 50% of where they start walk away - your best haggling is unlikleyt to get you much better than 50%Don't eat in the square when they are warming up yesterday's left oversBeware that everyone that approaches you is likley to want money from you - its not your charm... 


A good introduction to using crampons and ice axe, not as beutiful as the trip to Morroco I did before but it is the middle of winter.

Most Inspirational Moment

The ascent of the second peak beat the ascent of Toubkal as the scenery and variety of the ascent was alot more impressive.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent, very professional and explained the safty aspects of walking on snow or ice. Perhaps his dry sense of humour was down to spending alot of time with exodus clients.


It was certainly a tough and demanding hike and you need to be confident about your level of fitness. However I would confirm that previous experience of use of crampons and ice axes is not necessary.

Most Inspirational Moment

Undoubtedly reaching the top of Toubkal, especially as the visibility was outstanding and the snow covered scenery breathtaking.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Hassan was very efficient and confidence inspiring. Not only did he know everything you needed to know about the mountains but he was from the local village which we used at the beginning and end of the trek so that was a guarantee against unexpected surprises

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be prepared for a lot of snow! Shortly before our departure there had been a very heavy snowfall so we reached the snow line at just over 2000 metres. It also meant that beyond the hut some of the walking was on fresh deep snow - I frequently sank in up to my knees or beyond so was grateful to have lots of energy bars with me!Take gaiters. As indicated the snow in places was very deep and the last thing you needed wass soaking boots, especially as the possibilities for drying them out in the hut were limited.Make sure you take on plenty of fluid, to help deal with the altitude but also to counter the effects of  abundant perspiration on the way up the montain. In the hut the toilets were two floors down from the dormitories but it was better to have to get up during the night than to get seriously dehydrated on the mountain!


Mountains, Snow, Sun and Marrakech Fantastic!!!!!

Most Inspirational Moment

Ideal trip for someone wanting to experience a first winter peak with crampons and ice axe and see some magnificent views!

Thoughts on Group Leader

I found the group leader to be very Professional. Within our group there was a mix of age groups, fitness levels and abilities. The group leader managed to cater for all and create a very relaxed and enjoyable environment within the group.

Advice for Potential Travellers

1. Don't think you need to spend loads money on kit. You don't the packing list is a good guide for the worst conditions you know your comfort limits. The more comfortable yo are the more you will enjoy the trip. I got by with a pair of 3 season walking boots and some flexible crampons and was fine. 2.Arrive a day early and do some site seeing in Marrakech its beautiful.3. Get the lonely planet city guide to Marrakech and check out some of the recommended local take aways and restaurants the food is fantastic 4. Take it easy on the trek up stay at the guides pace its perfect. I suffer from altitude sickness this is the first time it's not affected me and I stayed with him.5. There is a second walk after Toubkal which is just as exiteing so don't burn yourself out going up Toubkal!6. Take a couple of days out after the trek and stay in a Riad a member of our group did it and all I can say is I wish I had!!!   


A great trip that was made all the better by picture perfect weather and good company. Reasonably challenging walking in some of the best scenary on the planet. Marrakech is an amazing starting and ending place for the trip – initially somewhere I thought would just be a place to pass through but it is a fanastic city full of culture. Well worth exploring – especially if you enjoy shopping.

Most Inspirational Moment

Climbing Toubkal was inspiring but Jebel Ouanakrim was as rewarding and more of an enjoyable climb if not a few metres lower.Standing on a summit is always a highlight of this type of trip and the trip included two summits which both posed different challenges.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The two Mohameds worked very well together - utlising their different skills. We were made to feel very welcome by all of the team and despite Mo2's limited english, he joined in with card games, evening activities and took us to dinner on the final night - a real character. Mo1 was brilliant, keeping everyone together and recognising that we all had our better and worse times on the trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Do this trip in the winter! Such magical surroundings whilst the whole area is covered in snow. Don't worry if you have no previous experience of using crampons or ice axe - there is plenty of opportunity to get used to them and by the end of the trip it feels strange walking about without crampons!The refuge is very basic and standards of hygiene are not great in the bathroom areas. This is fine as long as you are expecting it - read the reviews and the trip notes as they do mention this. Hot water is available at times but is very limited. Shower when you can!Take chocolate - thanks to the rest of the group who all came really prepared with lots of great quality chocolate to share. This was really great each day when we stopped - especially at the summits.Alcohol is really hard to come by in Marrakech and generally very expensive. A little research can find places to get a drink but don't expect restaurants to have alcohol readily available - especially near the main square.Take gaiters - although they are only optional on the trip notes - you will be walking in deep snow so invaluable.


I have to rate this as one of my best, of many, Exodus Trips. Like all good Tagines, it had all the right ingredients to be a success, and it really was. The itinerary, weather, group members, the guides, food , transport were all amazing.  The only slight blot was the accommodation at the Refuge but then that is almost as infamous as the Atlas Mountains themselves, and its strange way added to the adventure! 

Most Inspirational Moment

Each day seemed to offer something special , Even the short 1.5 hr is trip  from Marrakech was exciting as the White, Snow covered Atlas mountains could easily be be seen on the horizon as we drove through Marrakech down the fantastic  Avenue Mohammed VI roadway despite the group enjoying the warmth of the Winter Sun. The adventure and highlights needless to say racked up when we arrived in the Mountains, where we were met with lots of smiling faces and copious amounts of Sweet Mint Tea. This was also our first insight to the wonderful Mountain food  that would keep us fuelled for the next few days ( and a few days more!). Indeed every activity seemed to be punctuated by fresh food and tea!.The first morning we trekked up from the Gite to the Refuge and enjoyed lunch  before we had our first “crampon” walk up to a  wonderful ridge (some groups seem to do this on the last day but I think  our option was best – it filled the afternoon and made the last day more enjoyable) . The Next day the plan was to  Summit Jebel Toubkal 4167m /Toubkal West 4030m .. just in case the weather closed in .. which it didn’t ! ….. This was paced by our wonderful guide just perfect … and it seemed , like every other day he had ordered the whole mountain to ourselves ! We had wondered what the next day would bring, and felt rather odd that the key summit had already been conquered but in reality the trek to Timesguida Ouanoukrim 4089m  and Ras Ouanoukrim 4083m was even more interesting and varied – involving a small amount of safe ( but exciting for those that hadn’t done any ) scrambling in crampons followed by a wonderful decent down a steep gully in deep snow.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our Group Leader , The Mountain Guide and our Chef ( who provides  all the food at both the Gite and Refuge) were a great team and made us all very welcome. They had the experience and expertise to spot a loose crampon at 100m and when to stop and drink some more tea!  They were wonderful characters who  were a credit to a wonderful Country –The country, its lifestyle  and its people were so much better than I had ever expected.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The trip isnt that hard - if you can do Snowdon ( not via the train ) Nevis etc then you should cope with the trip - Altidude isnt much of an issue as you dont stay high for very long ( albeit you might huff and puff a bit more at the top than you would otherwise do)Take Wet Wipes !! - You would have to be very brave to Shower at the refuge!  They are also useful close to the nose when visiting the basic toilet area.Take a book /ipod etc and a warm sleeping bag  ( though our room actually got quite warm at night with 8 people  warming it up !! ) which reminds me - EAR PLUGS !! I didnt hire any kit but those that did - the quality was good ( indeed NEW I think)  Dont miss the opprtunity of the local  Hammam after the trek - A highlight and much fun!   We took a long route back to Marrachech - I would suggest you insist the same - wonderful views and peaceful!   


I have to rate this as one of my best, of many, Exodus Trips. Like all good Tagines, it had all the right ingredients to be a success, and it really was. The itinerary, weather, group members, the guides, food , transport were all amazing.  The only slight blot was the accommodation at the Refuge but then that is almost as infamous as the Atlas Mountains themselves, and its strange way added to the adventure!

Most Inspirational Moment

 Each day seemed to offer something special , Even the short 1.5 hr is trip  from Marrakech was exciting as the White, Snow covered Atlas mountains could easily be be seen on the horizon as we drove through Marrakech down the fantastic  Avenue Mohammed VI roadway despite the group enjoying the warmth of the Winter Sun. The adventure and highlights needless to say racked up when we arrived in the Mountains, where we were met with lots of smiling faces and copious amounts of Sweet Mint Tea. This was also our first insight to the wonderful Mountain food  that would keep us fuelled for the next few days ( and a few days more!). Indeed every activity seemed to be punctuated by fresh food and tea!.The first morning we trekked up from the Gite to the Refuge and enjoyed lunch  before we had our first “crampon” walk up to a  wonderful ridge (some groups seem to do this on the last day but I think  our option was best – it filled the afternoon and made the last day more enjoyable) . The Next day the plan was to  Summit Jebel Toubkal 4167m /Toubkal West 4030m .. just in case the weather closed in .. which it didn’t ! ….. This was paced by our wonderful guide just perfect … and it seemed , like every other day he had ordered the whole mountain to ourselves ! We had wondered what the next day would bring, and felt rather odd that the key summit had already been conquered but in reality the trek to Timesguida Ouanoukrim 4089m  and Ras Ouanoukrim 4083m was even more interesting and varied – involving a small amount of safe ( but exciting for those that hadn’t done any ) scrambling in crampons followed by a wonderful decent down a steep gully in deep snow.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our Group Leader , The Mountain Guide and our Chef ( who provides  all the food at both the Gite and Refuge) were a great team and made us all very welcome. They had the experience and expertise to spot a loose crampon at 100m and when to stop and drink some more tea!  They were wonderful characters who  were a credit to a wonderful Country –The country, its lifestyle  and its people were so much better than I had ever expected.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The trip isnt that hard - if you can do Snowdon ( not via the train ) Nevis etc then you should cope with the trip - Altidude isnt much of an issue as you dont stay high for very long ( albeit you might huff and puff a bit more at the top than you would otherwise do)Take Wet Wipes !! - You would have to be very brave to Shower at the refuge!  They are also useful close to the nose when visiting the basic toilet area.Take a book /ipod etc and a warm sleeping bag  ( though our room actually got quite warm at night with 8 people  warming it up !! ) which reminds me - EAR PLUGS !! I didnt hire any kit but those that did - the quality was good ( indeed NEW I think)  Dont miss the opprtunity of the local  Hammam after the trek - A highlight and much fun!   We took a long route back to Marrachech - I would suggest you insist the same - wonderful views and peaceful!   


I had a ball! Morocco was amazing not what i expected, a nice surprise. The holiday was organised very well by Exodus i thought Marrakech was just the right mixture of culture and fun. The climb to the top of the two summits was gruelling but extremely rewarding! I met a group of fab people and we all got on really well. I would definately visit Morocco again.

Most Inspirational Moment

Standing on the summit of Jebel Toubkal. The climb to the summit was gruelling, traversing snow and ice with crampons was demanding coupled to ascending in altitute, but that adds to the sense of achievement when you reach the summit.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Great, i was less fit and suffered more with altitiute than the rest of the group but he was very patient and always engaged me in conversation. He was also very knowledgeable on the history and culture of Morocco.Couldnt fault the group leader.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Approach the trip with confidence and optimism and you'll have a great time.


Great trip .7 strangers , 2 Johns 2 Phils and 2 Mohameds as guides made name learning easy. The group varied in fitness from the never hill walked to ultra marathon participants, from mid 20’s to 56 (me), but the guides set a pace that we could all manage. The Mountian hut cold in the afternoons after completing the day’s walks. All 3 high level walks  exhhilarating including  a great snow gully decent and the trip was supplemented by a Morrocan Hamman (steam room and massage) arranged by the guides at  a very modest cost in Imlil the mountain village at the start/end of the trek. 

Most Inspirational Moment

Getting to the summit depite my anxiety re my personal fitness

Thoughts on Group Leader

Friendly and experienced  both re the mountains and also re his country

Advice for Potential Travellers

be reasonably fit, pack warm clothes  for the evenings, brinks some books and playing cards